XX. The Indica Party

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Stephanie arrived back to a rainy London which took her by surprise given it had been bright sunshine when she had left just two days ago. British summertime, ay. It was her birthday in two days and her, Olivia and Helena were going for dinner and then hitting up the Scotch of St James.

Normally she got quite excited for her birthday, but ever since she said goodbye to Paul at his room in the Plaza he was all she could think of. She felt like a complete idiot for it. She'd gone to New York City and interviewed Bob Dylan, a potentially career-defining event for her, yet all she could think about from the trip was her night with Paul. Not only that, but how things would be once they saw each other again in London.

She allowed her birthday to be a worthy distraction. Her parents rang her in the morning to wish her a wonderful day and were incredibly chuffed to hear that the Evening Standard were doing a story on her (she'd forgotten to mention it the last time they called), and they were most proud to hear of the Bob Dylan interview, mainly her father.

"I might not be completely in the loop with music these days but I am aware of his reputation and influence in the music industry," he said. "Your mother and I are both incredibly proud of what you've already achieved at such a young age." Stephanie was always most appreciative of how supportive her parents had always been of her career and her father was of course pleased that she had followed his lead and done something music related.

They said their goodbyes and Stephanie got dressed into a baby-blue t-shirt mini dress she had bought at a Kings Road boutique called Countdown, putting on her favourite pair of white boots before heading off to Chelsea for coffee with Olivia. Once she had given Stephanie her gift, a beautiful gold necklace with a large jade pendant, she requested a full debrief of the Bob Dylan interview. Olivia was the biggest fan Dylan that Stephanie knew.

"He's just so cool," Olivia said once Stephanie had finished. "I don't care if he's a little arrogant and stuck up, he's got a right to be."

Stephanie laughed as she took a sip of her coffee. "I suppose you're not wrong."

"I'm pretty sure I saw The Beatles were in the city at the same time as you," Olivia raised a suggestive brow. "Did you bump into them at all?"

Stephanie felt a nervous rush through her stomach. Yes funnily enough Olivia I bumped into Paul and oh, we shagged. "It's a massive city Olivia," she said flatly.

"I know, I know, just thought there could be a chance," Olivia smiled, she then leaned in a little lowering her voice. "How is the whole.... Paul sitch going?"

We shagged. We kissed almost a month ago and bumped into each other in New York and we shagged and I haven't been able to stop thinking about him since. Stephanie shrugged. "There's nothing really to say about that," she lied. She didn't like lying to Olivia, she didn't remember the last time she had, but right now she didn't feel ready to tell her the truth because then would come the questions of what did it mean and what would she do next, and she didn't know the answers to those.

Stephanie changed the subject from Paul and onto what she was going to wear to dinner that evening and they ended up talking again about Bob Dylan and Blonde on Blonde. They parted ways before reuniting again that evening at a flash new French restaurant in Soho along with Helena. The girls ate and drank copious amounts of wine before almost stumbling over to the Scotch. It was Saturday night and as busy as ever, people dressed in vibrant colours everywhere.

"Stephanie darling!" she was scooped up from behind and let out a small yelp as she was spun round. When she landed she saw it was a very excitable, presumably high, Tara Browne.

She giggled. "Hello Tara, how are you?"

"I'm marvelous darling," he said with a big grin, lighting up a cigarette. "Feels like I haven't seen you in years! Where on Earth have you been?"

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