Chapter 4.28 - Experimental Surgery / Venture 10

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Apparently, Dr. Venture was ready to start right away.

While Venture and TINA prepped for surgery, Emmett decided to call Max and check in. In the chaos of the assault, his injury afterward, and then talking about upgrades, Emmett had almost forgotten about his friends. It wasn't just Emmett and Clara that had been caught up in a battle.

Emmett took the call in the living room of section 001. Clara stood beside him—she was just as eager to check in with everyone else.

Max appeared on the wall screen. He was on the roof—the only quiet or private place in the shelter. Behind him, the city was eerily dark; the night skyline of Belport was a shadow of its former brightness. Max didn't look much better. His shaggy red hair looked even more disheveled than normal, and it looked like he hadn't slept since the battle.

Despite all that, Max's face lit up. "Hey buddy! Buddies... So you guys survived! That's good. Clara wasn't exactly forthcoming about what happened, and your dad was super cryptic... Which is normal, I guess."

Clara chuckled. "Max was very worried about you."

"Uh, yeah! You guys may be dating, but we're roommates. It's a bond that women just can't understand."

"We can't understand what?" Cherry's voice caused Max to flinch.

"Oh, nothing dear!"

The rest of the group walked into view. Cherry, Krystal, and Larian all wore their old civilian clothes. The girls' bright red and bright blue hair came into view. Both Cherry and Krystal managed smiles, while Larian waved from behind them.

Emmett tried not to react, but his friends all looked rough. Even Cherry and Krystal's smiles looked forced. Larian just looked distant... At least they were all alive, and no one looked seriously injured.

It was a small comfort.

"How are you guys holding up?" he asked.

The girls' smiles faded, and even Max's facade wavered.

Max said, "We're here. It was rough. A bunch of capes got injured and... we lost one. Surprised you didn't hear about it."

Emmett felt a pang of shame that he hadn't thought about it. Since he woke up, he'd been worried about other things, including checking on his friends. Maybe a part of him didn't want to know how things had gone for the Summit...

Liara, the cape that was injured in the Deep One's initial assault, had been flown to hospital further inland. She was stable and supposed to make a full recovery... in two to three months.

Emmett had pushed aside the thought. He couldn't help everyone and he couldn't be everywhere at once.

"...I got injured too, so I haven't gotten caught up yet. I've been out the last couple hours." Emmett's news caused the group to perk up.

Krystal said, "You look pretty good now. Maybe I should take you up on those nanites."

Cherry elbowed Krystal and mouthed for her to shush. "Yeah. Make that two doses."

From the back, Larian added sheepishly, "I'm glad you're alright. So is Indovu."

Emmett managed a smile. "Glad you all are alright too."

It was a nice sentiment, but it didn't lift the lingering air between them for long.

"We could've used the backup..." He must've seen the dejection on Emmett's face, because he immediately backtracked. "I mean, you guys weren't exactly sitting on your asses. The Doc told us that you guys saved one of the shelters.

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