Chapter - 13

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Professor McGonagall: "Dracena, may I have a word with you after classes today?"

Dracena: "Of course, Professor McGonagall. Is everything alright?"

Professor McGonagall: "It's nothing to worry about, my dear. I simply need to discuss something with you in private."

Dracena: "Alright, I'll be there. Um, Professor, would it be alright if I bring Ryuga with me?"

Professor McGonagall: "Certainly, Dracena. I don't see why not. Your friend is welcome to join us."

Dracena: "Alright, Professor. We'll be there."

Professor McGonagall: "Thank you, Dracena. I'll see you in my office after your last class."


As Dracena and Ryuga approached Professor McGonagall's office after their classes, they exchanged curious glances, wondering what the professor wanted to discuss. Knocking gently on the door, they waited for permission to enter.

"Come in," called Professor McGonagall's voice from within.

They entered the office, scanning the room for their professor. Behind some shelves of books, they spotted her, arranging the tomes meticulously. "Professor McGonagall?" Dracena spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

At the sound of their voices, McGonagall straightened up and turned towards them, a small smile gracing her lips. "Ah, Dracena, Ryuga. Please, come here," she gestured, beckoning them towards her desk.

Curious, the two students approached, their interest piqued by the unusual summons

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Curious, the two students approached, their interest piqued by the unusual summons.

Once they were within speaking distance, McGonagall spoke again. "I've asked you both here today because I have someone, I'd like you to meet." She glanced towards the door, signaling for the person to enter.

In walked a distinguished-looking woman, her demeanor exuding confidence and authority. "Dracena, Ryuga, allow me to introduce you to Professor Sophia," McGonagall said, gesturing towards the newcomer.

Dracena and Ryuga exchanged surprised glances before turning their attention to the newcomer.

"She was a student at Hogwarts alongside Dumbledore and a few other teachers," Professor McGonagall explained, her voice warm yet authoritative. "And now, she is honored to join the Hogwarts faculty as your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Ryuga's brows furrowed in concern as he watched Dracena's teary-eyed expression. Something was clearly bothering her, and he couldn't bear to see his friend in such distress. He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong when Dracena's voice cut through the silence with a question directed at Professor Sophia.

 He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong when Dracena's voice cut through the silence with a question directed at Professor Sophia

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