Chapter 5

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A veil of green shrouded the property from view as they turned onto a narrow, nondescript road that trailed into a thicket of weeping willows. Elongated, frail branches cascaded down from great heights, their strands, thick with slender foliage, spilling over one another like waterfalls. A warm breeze whistled through the spray of lush tendrils as they bent to its whim, skimming across the blades of grass blanketing the Earth beneath. She couldn't begin to imagine where Nathan was whisking her away to. The moment they rounded the first bend and emerged from the copse of willows, not even her wildest, most vivid fantasies could have prepared her for its reveal.

Though their interactions had been brief, he hadn't once given her the the impression he came from exorbitant wealth. He presented well, that remained true. A clear articulation evident in his manner of speech and the way he carried himself, but above all else he was genial. Approachable. Her first clue came when they exited the library together and he lead her to his car. Regardless of the affluence in the area, the 67'Jaguar E-type didn't exactly blend in.

The sleek, old-school roadster was finished in a rich maroon, the opalescent enamel glinted sanguine in the sunlight, paired with a complimenting beige interior. It exuded subtlety and sophistication, which was perfectly inline with her perception of him. Despite this, there hadn't been a single hint, not one glimpse, of someone who required the finer things in life and would tolerate no less. Yet as she drank in the sprawling villa they advanced upon, she couldn't fathom how someone raised in such a place could escape becoming spoiled.

They passed through monstrous iron gates erected by towering brick pillars, the same brick that spanned the properties perimeter, if she had to guess. It stretched in both directs before disappearing from site. Eyes wide, they drove the distance to the main courtyard, giving her the opportunity to take in the full breadth of the estate. Nestled in the center of the expansive acreage, the edges of which framed by more clusters of willows, steadfast in guarding the privacy of the manor. The structure itself was the picture of intimidation. It was all sharp edges of dark brick, impressive gable structures, with whole sections of the exterior succumbing to the overgrowth of moss and invasive twines of ivy. Ornate glass windows heavily adorned iron framework. Aster Manor had withstood the test of time, having endured the likes of many generations sheltered within its walls, and it showed.

Brie spotted what appeared to be a massive glass conservatory further down towards the east end, similar in it's extravagance. Yet just like the rest of the manor, its decadent splendor was beginning to wear thin in spots, revealing its impermanence as the overgrowth spread to hide much of it. The delicate glass panes were opaque with thick, cloudy grime from years of neglect.

The wind stilled as their speed slowed to an idle, while Nathan drove along the curve of pavement that encircled the courtyard and veered into the opened garage. Brie caught a glimpse of herself in the rear view, and grimaced at her appearance. To reach his property from town required a half hour drive over the Claiborne Pell Bridge into Tiverton, where he lived. After having gone the whole way with convertible top lowered, in combination with the salt air that whipped through her scalp, her hair was reduced to a tangled, knotted mess.

While unsuccessfully attempting to comb her fingers through the snags, Nathan exited the vehicle and strode to her side, popping the door for her with a click. She thanked him as she climbed out, the manor already calling out to her. Beckoning her closer with its overt allure. Without even realizing, she started on ahead without him. With a soft chuckle to himself at of her mystified intrigue, Nathan grabbed her bags from the trunk.

A gothic ambience lurked in very specific attributes. It lingered in the excessive use of spires and gables to the rigid, candle-lit sconces that lined the length of the veranda. Lichen smeared marble angels were stationed throughout the courtyard, weeping into their palms. Whispers of what they had borne witness to swept up and carried on the wind. Despite obvious signs of decay, it pulsed with magnificence. Erected in regality that towered above her, and stretched around for miles. Annexes of rich brickwork, stained from decades of weathering the elements, protruded in all directions as it housed the backdrop for Nathan's upbringing within. Brie surveyed the grandeur before her, unable help it as she stood there agape, vaguely aware of Nathan approaching from behind.

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