Prologue: Always There

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The brass of a plate.

His reflection in the window.

He'd always been with Pure Vanilla Cookie. Watching. Waiting.

'Someday, you'll come to Beast-Yeast and we'll finally meet!'

'Someday...the soul jam will be mine again.'

Soft chuckling awoke Pure Vanilla. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"...hello?" He called cautiously. No answer. He slowly examined the room, trying to see any abnormalities, only to be met with a defying silence. The only other cookie he saw was his reflection in the vanity that sat in the darkest corner.

"...I am just imagining things." He decided aloud. "I'm just stressed about the trip to Beast-Yeast tomorrow."

He slowly got out of bed and walked to the window. Opening it, he let the wind blow his hair around his tender cheeks. The beautiful Crème Republic was bathed in the still darkness of the night, the moon blanketing the sleeping city in its warm glow.

He, Gingerbrave, Wizard Cookie, and Strawberry Cookie had came to the Crème Republic to borrow an airship to fly to Beast-Yeast. The cookies there almost all seemed ecstatic about this, and even prepared special rooms for their guests to rest so they could have all the energy they needed for their long travel.

Pure Vanilla had been planning and stressing about the trip for weeks at that point. He started to think maybe he had too many all-nighters, for they were catching up to him in the form of nightmares when he tried to sleep.

Fresh air was all he needed. He reminded himself, "There is no one watching me, there is no one in here with me. I am safe."

Cracking an ever so small smile, he shut the window once again. He took one last look around his room before retiring to his bed, swiftly falling asleep again.

If only it were that simple.

A cookie still played inside Pure Vanilla's mind and watched him from dark reflections from the vanity. He couldn't wait any longer.

'Come, my pet! I can't wait any longer, just come see what I've done with this place!'

His soft chuckling turned into intoxicating laughter, a sort of sick and twisted lullaby in Pure Vanilla's old mind, luring him into a cold slumber.


Pure Vanilla was awakened by incessant knocking on the chocolate wood door.

"Pure Vanilla Cookie!" He heard Gingerbrave calling. "Hurry, hurry!"

"Gingerbrave!" Wizard Cookie snapped. "Don't be so rude! Pure Vanilla Cookie will wake up when he's ready!"

"The ship is ready, Pure Vanilla Cookie!" Strawberry Cookie called softly. "We're all ready to go."

Pure Vanilla smiled softly and sat up, stretching his dough in the bright morning light.

"I'll be there in a moment, my friends!" He brightly called, hopping out of his bed to dress himself.

Cape, check! Hat, check! Staff, check! Soul jam...

As he picked up his precious soul jam, he suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine, as if there were cold hands grabbed his arms. Gasping, he accidentally dropped the soul jam, it crashing into a potted plant and shattering it.

"Oh dear," he mumbled, "I'm sorry, you..."

He picked up the soul jam and positioned it onto his chest, where it rest in a familiar manner. Glancing at the mess he'd made, he shook his head in embarrassment and began to clean it up.

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