Chapter 3: Starry Knight

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Pure Vanilla was stunned. He didn't quite know what to say. Shadow Milk? After him? He could sort of understand his soul jam; a powerful artifact such as it would no doubt be on this power-hungry beast's mind.

But him? Simple, old Pure Vanilla? He didn't think he was anything special. It was the soul jam's powers that helped him protect his friends and his people.

"Pure Vanilla?" Gingerbrave tugged at Pure Vanilla's robe, worry in his brow.

"This is...worrying," Pure Vanilla slowly said, "but I don't see why he would even want me to begin with."

"Best be cautious, still." Silverbell said.

Pure Vanilla took a moment to consider this, as Wizard pulled him along again.

"We have to see if the soul jam shard is still there," he said, "while you were out, the light went out and Silverbell couldn't find it."

"Maybe if you're there," Gingerbrave said, "you'll be able to find it!"

Pure Vanilla gave a grateful smile and nodded. "I believe the same, Gingerbrave. Let us go with haste."

And so, they quickly trotted to an opening. It was clear just with a glance that this area was much more alive than the other burnt and chaos-filled than the other, more devastated parts. Pure Vanilla knew that this must be the work of White Lily's power, knowing how her soul jam worked well.

Pure Vanilla stepped forward and looked around at the plant life. He smiled, unable to hide his joy at the healthiness of the nature around him. He always did have a weak spot for greenery.

He felt a calming and warm sensation wash over him as he walked to the center of the clearing. The center looked as if it was the origin of all the plants, flowers and vines sprouting from this specific spot and growing all about, climbing up the surrounding trees.

He knelt down and gently held up a lily, smelling the strong scent that he was always fond of.

From the lily, a soft glow arose and Pure Vanilla picked up the shard of White Lily's soul jam.


"Pure Vanilla..." a soft voice trickled past his face. He opened his eyes to find himself laying on a bed of sweet smelling flowers. Sitting up, he found his friends laying nearby, also waking up.

"A vision..." Silverbell murmured. "...of White Lily's past..."

The vision in question was that of White Lily meeting and healing Silverbell.

"The soul jam," Wizard said, "must have showed us that!"

Pure Vanilla looked down at his hand, which still held the shard tightly. A new determination filled him.

"My friends," he said boldly, "let's keep going! We must find White Lily and return her soul jam!"

Silverbell nodded and smiled with confidence.

"Yeah! This way, follow me, we're so close to the kingdom, just a little farther!"


The night came faster than expected, blanketing the forest in the dim glowing of the moon. Per Silverbell's advice, they hunkered down for the night. They found a large tree with a dip they could all lay in comfortably, and could protect their unconscious bodies.

"It's so cold..." Strawberry murmured, shivering. Wizard and Gingerbrave agreed, huddling together for warmth. Noticing this, Pure Vanilla took off his cape and draped it over the three children, smiling softly.

"Now, you three get to bed," He said, "there's much to do tomorrow."

The children nodded and closed their eyes, swiftly getting enveloped in sweet sleep that lured them into its embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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