betrayal... (chapter 1)

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First time writing a story of my own so don't mind if there are some errors 🥹

Dekus pov:
"Izuku-kun!" I hear ochako-san say as I head inside her room, "hi ochako-san!" I say with a smile, happy to see her "I'm going to go grab some.. Uhm food for us from Iida-kun since he said he some great food for me- sorry us.." Ochako-san said, which sounded a little weird when she said food.. But I didn't think anything of it.

3rd person pov:
It's been about an hour since ochako left and deku starts to get worried, "what if she got hurt! Or worse kidnapped!" He says starting to over think, but desides to go check in with his class "hey guys do you know when ochako-san is going to be back?  she said she was gonna go grab some food from Iida-kun but she still haven't came back.. " deku says feeling a bit worried,
   "don't worry midobro I'm sure she's doing fine!" Kirishima says knowing she's fine. "Maybe go check Iida-kuns house she probably chea-" kaminari says but jirou hits his head "shut up Denki, Ochako wouldn't do that" jirou says in a mad tone. "Uhm well thanks i guess I'll just go check Iida-kuns house then.. " deku says weirded out by his friends.

Dekus pov:
I start to walk over to Iida-kuns house knowing it's not that far away, "I wonder what type of food ochako-san was talking about but whatever-" i say. then i get to Iida-kuns house and knock on the door, but i dont get any answer?  then soon i realized the door was unlocked, and i opened it to hear some sounds in his room. I went up to the hall way to Iidas room and heard moaning... "No ochako-san would never..." I say to myself as I peaked in Iidas room. As I thought she was cheating on me with my best friend, I opened the door to see them having sex "uraraka..?" I say to her, having tears in my eyes. "Izuk-" I hear her say but cut her off, "W-WHY?! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! I GAVE YOU MY WHOLE LIFE OCHAKO!" I say angry and more upset then I have ever been "izuku w-we can talk about this!" She says and Iida just rolls his eyes wanting to get this over with "No! There's nothing to talk about uraraka! You are having se- an intercourse with my best friend! And leaving me behind! Oh- and also! It's midoriya to you now." I say in a angry tone crying inside. I then leave Iidas house hearing that there just continuing having sex.

It takes awhile to make another part so y'all gotta wait like 2-3 days 😒😒

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