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Aditya looked at Ram. He was longingly looking at a family of three sitting in the car in front of them. His heart ached. Ram had that. Even he had a child and a wife and he could give them a great life too. It was a tragedy of epic proportions that Ram didn't remember it. If he was being completely honest, Ram's entire life was a massive tragedy.

"Adi," Ram said. "Why did you ever think of starting a family?"

A pained look crossed across Aditya's face. He and Brinda had. They had tried so hard for a child. He had tried various therapies. They had gone to various doctors. But somehow, it had never worked out. And then, life happened. They had remained so busy dealing with everything that happened with Ram that everything personal always took a backseat. Not that he was upset about it. He truly could do anything for Ram. It was the same with Brinda.

"I did..." Aditya answered solemnly. "It just didn't happen."

Aditya saw Ram take a shaky breath and say, "Have you considered adopting? I think you should. You and Brinda will be great parents. And think about it, a child will get a good home. What more can we wish for? We all will love that child. He or she will be our own."

Aditya smiled. He did not doubt that Ram and his other friends would love his child deeply, irrespective of whether he or she was biological or not. He had that much faith in everyone. Especially Ram.

"I know..." Aditya patted Ram's hand. He then sighed. "I will think about it. I will talk with Bri. I promise."

"Good!" Ram managed to smile. "At least one of us should be fully settled."

That is you, Aditya wanted to yell. But he held himself back. Instead, he offered, "Ram, waise Bri and I already have a child. Kasam se, bada pareshaan karta hai woh."

"Huh?" confusion marred Ram's features. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah," Aditya nodded. "His name is Ram."

Hearing that, Ram laughed. He punched Aditya's forearm and warned, "Shut up you asshole!"

But the next minute, Ram sobered. He squeezed Aditya's shoulder blade and thanked him. "But seriously Adi, thank you. Thank you for always being there. I don't know where would I be without you and Bri. And Vikrant."

"Anytime..." whispered Aditya and looked away. He didn't want to cry in the car and not in front of Ram.

Luckily, they arrived at Aditya's house soon. And no sooner did they step foot in the house, Brinda thundered, "Now, just go and freshen up quickly. Ram, you are not going to waste time and you are straightaway having your lunch. Then you will have your medicines. You can do whatever you want after that. Okay? And Adi, dare you to engage him in your stupidity. First lunch, everything else after that."

Aditya put up his hands in mock surrender. "Okay."

Ram looked at both of them in annoyance and shook his head. As he disappeared into the washroom, he yelled, "Bloody Hitler."

"So be it!" yelled Brinda back.

Brinda then looked at Aditya. Her gaze immediately softened. She scooted close to him and he took her in his arms. Placing a chaste kiss in her hair, he whispered, "Priya?"

Brinda looked at him. "She is waiting in the kitchen. I will get the food."

"Okay..." nodded Aditya. "I will keep Ram busy. And entertained."

"Fine," Brinda smiled. "Or let him entertain you. That is the better option."

Chuckling, Aditya sat down for lunch. Ram had not been eating well after the accident. So Aditya thought that it was a great idea to have Priya cook for him and let them feed the food to him. If Ram liked the food, it could trigger a few dormant memories in his brain. And Aditya desperately wanted that to happen. How long could they keep Priya and Ram away like this?

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