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Priya watched Ram's ruptured skin at the back of his palm that Brinda was gently caressing now. It had turned purple and red. Even though it hurt to look at his bruised skin, Priya stubbornly kept her eyes there. Because she didn't have the heart or the courage to look at Ram. She never wanted to see Ram that way.

"Ram?" Brinda kissed his palm. "Do you want some water?"

Ram's eyes were glazed, mostly unfocused and moving randomly but he managed to shake his head in a no. He was half sitting on the stark white hospital bed and greedily holding Brinda's hand.

Brinda caressed his forehead and brushed his unruly curls out of his face. She then leaned in to place a light feathery kiss on his eye. He didn't react. He was never the kind to remain unresponsive if someone like Brinda showered love on him. But Priya had to see a day when he would be like this as well.

Then again, it was expected. Which is why Priya was dreading it too. How else would Ram fare if he went through the same trauma twice?

When Ram had recognized her in the office, Priya had felt like her world was back to its axis now. But it turned out to be just momentary. All Ram knew was that he had some medical issues due to the accident and that Shivina was gone. The doctor had told them to not divulge the fact that Shivina was in fact murdered. Neither did he want Ram to know that he was married and had a child who was kept hidden from him for five years. It was all a notch sadder and gloomier. Priya's throat closed.


Priya's head snapped up at the voice. She looked at the door and saw Nandini walking in.

She instinctively looked at Ram. He didn't answer. He wasn't even looking in her direction.

But when Nandini sat on the same stool beside the bed and touched the side of his face, Ram flinched. He recoiled a bit and whimpered like a child.

"It's okay jaan..." Brinda rubbed his forearm. "It's just your Mom!"

"No, please!" Ram groaned lightly and squeezed his eyes shut. He tried to get away from Nandini and latched on to Brinda. "Just...please..."

Priya saw Nandini's face darken. She swallowed hard. She had no idea why Ram was behaving that way but in a way, she felt a little relief. Nandini had no business being in their lives. Especially Ram's. She had already done enough damage. No one needed more of her.

"I think you should leave," Priya said quietly and firmly to Nandini. "Mr Kapoor is already unwell. We should not make him even more anxious."

To her utter surprise, Nandini didn't fight it. She threw Priya a long, hard look and walked out of the room before anyone could blink. On second thoughts, Priya knew that she was just doing a formality. She obviously had no love for Ram and didn't want to visit him. She just saw an escape root, an excuse and left as quickly as she could.

Just when Priya was about to walk towards Ram's bed and try to comfort him somehow, the door opened again.

Priya smiled on seeing that person and she turned to look at Ram.

A mere sight of Pihu's bright yellow dress at the door was enough for Ram to release the breath no one knew he was holding. With a deep sigh, his shoulders relaxed. His entire body sagged and he sank into the mattress. For the first time in two days, a small smile appeared on his exhausted face.

"Mr Kapoor!" Pihu chimed like a tweeting bird. "How are you doing?"

Ram's dry and chapped lips parted as if he wanted to say something. But he just smiled and blinked.

Pointing at the single sunflower in her hand, Pihu grinned. "Look what I got for you! It's a sunflower. It's so big!"

Priya looked at Ram in fascination. His eyes were still unfocused and glazed but at least now he was trying hard to get a grip on himself. He was trying hard to be present in the room. And after two very difficult, sick and tension-wrought days; it was a huge relief to see him trying something from his end.

Ram slowly patted the spot on the bed beside him. Pihu needed no more time. She hopped quickly and extended the flower towards him.

"Here!" she lowered her voice to a sweet coo and said, "Sunflowers remind me of you. It's for you. I hope you like it."

With a shaky hand, Ram lightly held the stem of the flower. But because his hold was so loose, the flower turned and fell on his face. It made Pihu laugh.

"Mr Kapoor, I think the sunflower just gave you a kiss!"

To both Brinda and Priya's surprise, Ram managed to let out a small chuckle. It was brief and barely there, but it had happened. Brinda looked at Priya and she stared back. How quickly had the atmosphere changed? Why had they not thought of getting Pihu to see Ram before this?

"Thank you..." Ram whispered.

"You are welcome!" Pihu flashed a toothy smile and pinched his cheek. Then her voice mellowed by a couple of notches. She looked like she was going to cry but she didn't. Instead, she just asked, "You will get better. Won't you?"

Ram's eyes drooped. He drawled. "Do you want me to get better?"

"Yes," Pihu fervently nodded. "Please get well soon. I don't like you in hospital clothes. I am praying too."

Ram blinked. Maybe, just maybe, he would. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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