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"Everyone, this is–" Rrrrr, rrr, her phone buzzed persistently in her pocket.

"Go take that," he nods to her, "I'm Chan," he says to the group as Soyeon slips out of their studio and looks at her phone.


She sighs, trying to decline it, but the stupid app won't let her. So, as strangers begin to stare at her in question to why she isn't doing anything to stop her loud ringing phone, she answers.

"Soyeon-ah! Finally, you—"

"Shut up, I'm in a meeting, I'll call you later." Then she hangs up, mentally slapping herself for saying that she'll call later. But the distress is wiped off of her face the moment she walks back in and sees Chan pulling out pens and a slip of paper that they can sign.


Soyeon's hands graze over the expensive equipment that Chan had bought for them, the keyboard's cold keys bringing a slight tingling sensation to her hands as she imagined herself working in here. She has the place all to herself right now, it being such a late hour. Choerry and Yunjin were brainstorming band-name ideas, Kazuha was forming up a choreography, and Yizhuo was looking for practice rooms with big mirrors they could rent, and trying to get them gigs. Soyeon, however, was tasked with the important weight of making a song for them.

Bringing out one of her beloved notebooks, she flipped to the page where she knew that she'd written some amazing ideas for the song. But, the page only read: Our song has to be cool. Has to be catchy. Must be some sort of trap, we all like that genre. What kind of trap? Lots of options.. EDM, hip-hop, chill, dark, guitar...

She sighs, reaching to the back of the monitor to turn it on, preparing herself to go through the slightly torturing process of setting a password, connecting it to their wifi, and downloading the music apps that she needed. Once she was finished, she looked back at her notebook, eyes squinting almost angrily at the so-called 'ideas'. All she had so far was what genre direction to go in, which they had discussed before.

What should the song be about?

She needed some inspiration, that's what. Maybe she should write an empowering song? That's what is trending these days, and she could very much see them singing a song like that. The door's handle jiggles as someone unlocks it, and Soyeon turns in the cheap office chair that she'd bought, to meet Yizhuo's flushed face.

"Brrrr," she jokes, closing the door behind her, phone clutched in her other hand.

The older's brows furrow. "We should put that in our song. Wait. Wait, wait–" she reaches for her pen and starts scribbling things in her notebook. Maybe our song could be about how we don't get cold since we're so hot? Oh, I'm such a genius...

"Hey, unnie.. Can I sit with you?"

"Sure," Soyeon agrees, turning back to her desk. She starts to come up with somewhat good lyrics, all while listening to a heap of trap songs, and hearing Yizhuo's occasional laughter at things on her phone from over the music in her headphones. And then it hits her that they don't have a recording booth to record. My phone will suffice for now, won't it? She needed to get down at least a simple hum or rhythm in her voice recorder.

She knows the group trusts her, but she can't help but doubt if her lyrics are good enough, or if they'll even like the beat she's chosen to go with, so she spins around in the chair. "Yizhuo, I—" She pauses mid-sentence when she sees that the girl is asleep. With a disappointed huff, she decides that she's done enough for the night, and turns off the monitor and Choerry's cute little lamp. "Sweet dreams, kitten," she murmurs, exiting the studio.

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