Part 6

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Donna's possession of his iPhone hung over Minnie like a storm cloud
over Nauru. "I changed the lock code on your cell, just like I changed
Maria's earlier" Donna paused, glanced at Maria, "but I expect she told
you that already, I still want you both to carry your cell at all times
to enable me to summon you." Her tone softened, she smiled "when you
finish your work each day I will unlock your cell and you can play games
to your hearts content."

Minnie relaxed a little, Donna issued the days tasks and reminded them
to leave doors open as they clean.

"Start in the shower room" Maria said. Minnie recognised her abruptness
as a warning her period was due, 'sure' he casually answered. For a
while they worked apart in silence. Maria appeared at the doorway
looking for a fight, she watched Minnie cleaning the shower tray "what's
taking you so long?"


"That's how you talk to me now?"

"There is a limescale build up that needs cleaning" Minnie glanced up,

"I don't have a name?" Maria stood with her arms crossed.

"Sorry I was concentrating on my work Maria"

"Perhaps you should learn to be more respectful" Maria smiled "call me
Miss Maria when we work together."

"Miss Maria?" Minnie frowned "you are only 19."

"Fun fact Minnie, maids would have called daughters of the house Miss
back in the day. My junior maid addressing me as Miss Maria shows
respect while acknowledging I am much younger...well?"

"I can show you respect Miss Maria."

Maria turned away, her monthly monster satisfied by its victory. Out of
earshot she whispered "yes!" and punched the air, having a junior maid
instead of being a junior maid was getting to be fun!

On Maria's rest day Donna sought out Minnie the kitchen. The room,
typically the bustling heart of the house, now acted as a stage upon
which an unexpected confrontation was about to begin. "Minnie," Donna
began, her tone so calm Minnie thought she was about to assign him a new
task, "I couldn't help but notice something when I borrowed your cell
phone. Something that made me very angry."

Minnie, visibly anxious, remained silent.

"You will kneel facing me and remain silent until I indicate you may
speak." Donna glanced upward at the sort of angle someone seeking a
distant airplane would look, smiled lopsidedly, and said "okay?" Minnie
nodded as he kneeled. "Your carelessness, Minnie, has put me in an
awkward position. You left sensitive information that should have been
deleted on your iPhone for anyone to see. Donna looked serious,"if
anyone else had discovered your secret, even Maria or Cook, gossip would
soon make Mrs. Collins life untenable, the Collins household a laughing
stock." Donna paused for effect and described a scenario where, unable
to live with the shame, they were forced to sell the house and move to a
place no-one knew them.

Minnie looked close to tears.

"Having stumbled across your secret it's impossible, for me, to unknow
Samuel and Minnie are one and the same." Donna smiled kindly "luckily
for you I can keep a secret and I will not draw my discovery to Mrs.
Collins attention, but neither will I lie to her. What do you have to

"If you don't mention you know there is no chance Mrs. Collins will
suspect a thing."

"Okay, we'll leave it like that for now." Donna outlined how Mrs.
Collins worked hard to provide a perfect setting for Minnie to live out
his fantasy, this left her with insufficient free time to constantly
supervise him. Donna attributed his selfish misbehaviourisms to a lack
of supervision, describing them as 'a cry for attention.'

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