Part 9

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With a hint of amusement, they reminisced about the stunned expression
on Minnie's face when Katie mentioned, during book club, their planned
visit to Samuel's writers retreat. "I could practically hear his nervous
swallow from across the room," Jennifer remarked.

"He must be wondering how long I've been aware."

"And whether you've spilled the beans to Adrian... And there's something
I haven't mentioned," Jennifer added, if there was an expression that
said - a hint of regret mingling with mischief - then that was her
expression. "I slipped my iPhone behind a cushion anticipating Minnie's
barrage of questions."

"You once swore you wouldn't indulge in such wickedwifeness."

"That was then, this is now," Jennifer replied, attempting to sound
nonchalant. Katie raised an eyebrow, prompting Jennifer to burst into
laughter. "I really cannot pull that off can I?" She dragged out
'cannot' using an Asian inflection, sounding more like 'can - not' as if
two words.

From the get-go Rome was a touristic whirlwind of good coffee and pasta
and once fuelled up they wasted no time before setting out to explore
the city. Away from home for the first time in ages Jennifer couldn't
shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of her mind.

"First day you'll be homesick," Katie teased during the flight.

As much as Jennifer wanted for that to be un-so, she was and being
iPhoneless added fuel to her homesickness. As if by accident, Jennifer
and Katie just happened across the Apple store. Soon a new iPhone sat in
Jennifer's purse, in a quiet alone moment that would allow her to check
in or, more likely, allow her to monitor the cameras. Witnessing
Jennifers retail therapy Katie felt the need for a little retail therapy
of her own. But that could wait, with her friend all iPhoned-up, Katie
suggested they get back to sightseeing.

Donna sat on her bed, staring across her bedroom to where her new dinner
party dress waited on it's hanger. With time to spare she clicked on the
Mistress app then 'hints and tips.' She quickly read through the 'new
mistress' section mentally ticking off as she read the list. Only two
sections remained unticked - 'exposing sissy' and 'submitting to alpha'
Donna took her new dress from its hanger.

In the kitchen Minnie 360'd for his final uniform check. "I expect you
to meet the needs of all our guests, regardless of their gender, without
hesitation. Do I make myself clear?" Donna looked up as if spotting a
murmuration of Sturnus vulgaris at high altitude and smiled. "As you
know Mrs. Collins left her iPhone at home, so even she can't save you
from what I have planned." Noticing his eyes brimming with tears Donna
finally decided enough was enough, she glanced up as if checking the
whereabouts of Sturnus vulgaris.

For the first time since book club Minnie was thankful Jennifer was in a
different country. His worst fear was that Donnas' main event would
involve a male guest.

"A clap is your signal to enter and serve champagne." With an enigmatic
smile Donna enjoyed a final twist of the knife "remember at all times,
Minnie, I hold the reins of consequence."

Donna, taking on an almost sheriff-like role, assigned Maria to collect
guests cell phones as they arrived, akin to disarming modern-day Dodge
City gun slingers. Free from cell phone cameras, and possibility of
social media exposure to their employers, the off duty servants revelled
in their newfound freedom by exploring the ground floor.

"Now do you understand why we have been deep cleaning all week?" Donna

Maria laughed softly, likening the scattering of their guests to scarab
beetles. "I thought you were exaggerating."

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