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The Characters and their names are completely fictional purposes and it doesn't points out any people.

This may contains some Tamil terms or dialogue and the translation for the same would be given in brackets under the same paragraph.

Kindly don't copy this work.

If any pictures used it was completely from the internet. I don't own any of them.

Each chapter contains more than 1500 words

May have mature themes in the book but not in every chapter. Mature themes won't be strong.


"WTF, Abhishek Varma" Adhithi shouted at her husband who was just returned to their home after their wedding.

Her tears fall from the eyes as she saw the blood on his white shirt which was their wedding dress. Even though it was a marriage of convenience, her female instinct is not allowing her such thing.

"Darling, Afraid?" Abhishek asked sarcastically, removing his button.

"Even though it is forced marriage, you should have respected it." She muttered.

She watched him throwing his outfit in the laundry carelessly. He went out of the room closing the room door behind in thud.


"Adhi, I am sorry" he muttered holding her in his arms. "I failed to protect you."
She was looking at him in surprise when a drop of tear fall on her cheek. She smiled at him.

"You came on time Abhi" She spoke while creasing his hairs as his face was buried in her neck.

"I love you" he muttered.

"I Know" she said.


"Abhi" She moaned as he was sucking her sweet spot.

"You smell so good, baby" he said while he placed a kiss on her neck.
"Everyone would know, whom you belong to." He said and She chuckled at him.

"No one would dare to touch the Queen of Hunters." She whispered against his ears. He chuckled.


The story of Abhishek Varma and Adhithi Krishna.

©Copywrites reserved to Pavi_Writes

In 2024

By JSP ❤️

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