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Author's Pov:
The night at the day of Adhithi's wedding in Aradhya's room. She was sitting in the room scrolling her social media looking at her sister's wedding picture, imagining herself in her place while laughing evilly. Monika was noting her every action with frown brows.
"Ara" She called.

"She must have been celebrating her wedding night with him in her bed riding him, giving him the pleasure right!Where I was supposed to be." Aradhya spoke while touching his face on the picture on her phone. Monika didn't speak anything but smirked as the hate of Aradhya for Adhithi is increasing eventually. Her eyes were evident. It was the same two years ago, when she got attracted, accurately obsessed with Abhishek  in the award function of her brother.

"I will Sanch him from you, Adhithi." She talked to her picture in a dangerous manner. Siddharth believed she is changing but the truth is her heart which was filled by the evilness in making her as a bad person. Even Monika was surprised by her, every time her hate for Adhithi would increase when she makes move. But this time is different, even she got scared at her expressions. Yet! Monika didn't knew that she made a devil just because of her hate for Adhithi.


Abhishek raised from the bed and found no one beside him. Taking a deep breath and saw the clock it was past 9:00 AM. He chuckled badly as his wife didn't care to wake him up for breakfast not knowing the fact she has other plans to surpise him with her another behaviour. He got dressed in his casuals after freshing up. He reached the living room and found none. He was already pissed that he missed his morning workout.

"Jack" he called being aware that he will always in the living area. A maid came near him and bowed.

"Sir, Jack was accompanied Ma'am as she went for temple. He has just informed us they will be here in 10minutes." She said as he nodded.

"Did she eat?" He asked.

"No sir, she asked us not to disturb you as well. She said she will eat with you." She said, he gestured her to go from there. He heard the sound of anklets; he found a beautiful angle walks in with many small bags in her hands. Jack and two of the guards also bringing some bags.

"What are those?" Abhishek asked his wife in confusion.

"I shopped" Adhithi said and turned towards Jack, "Jack ask anyone to pack as per I said and distribute it to all the maids and guards."

He nodded after gazing his boss who assured him.
"What was that?" He asked.

"I heard many of the people who work here has kids, so as our wedding gift I purchased some dolls for them and some school kits according to their age. Also, everyone would get their gifts too for women bangles or earrings while will be apt, for a men sliver ring." She said and sat beside him on the sofa while grabbing the water.

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