Chapter 2

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Welcome back!

TW: none



My alarm went off at 6:45 the next morning, and the first thing I did was reach over and slam down on the snooze button on top of the clock.

Five minutes later it went off again, and I got up reluctantly to start my day.

After pulling on some clothes for the day and grabbing my school bag, I opened the door and walked down to the common area at the end of the hallway.

Harlow was already there, lying on one of the couches. She nodded at me. "Morning, Wolf."

"Morning, Harlow," I replied, plopping down in the armchair next to the couch. I checked my watch. It was 6:55. I looked down the hall again and pulled out my book. Naomi and Brazen would be at least five minutes, which gave me some quality reading time.

I was reading a book called The Lost Temple. Basically, a group of kids were exploring and found a... you guessed it, a lost temple. They get trapped, and only have a week to get out. It was a really good book, and part of a series too.

I heard footsteps and looked up. Naomi smiled at me as she walked up to us. "Good morning!" she said cheerfully.

I returned the smile and looked back to my book. Harlow and Naomi struck up a conversation for another few minutes until the final member of our quartet came bouncing down the hall.

"Top of the morning," Brazen said with his signature grin. It was 7:03. We had another two minutes until we normally headed to breakfast, so Brazen leaned over the back of my armchair and looked over my shoulder.

"What're you reading?"

I kept my finger where my page was and closed the book, letting Brazen see the cover.

"Oh, that one's a good one. First time reading it?"

I nodded, opening the book again.

"I won't spoil it. Enjoy yourself."

I smiled and nodded again. He didn't move, continuing to read over my shoulder until the breakfast bell rang at 7:05.

Breakfast was great, as usual. The cooks always outdid themselves for every meal. The endless buffet had something new every day, and it was impossible to get tired of the vast spread of food.

Our first period of the day started at eight in the morning, and it was different amongst our group. Naomi and Harlow had Literacy, which was more reading focused, while Brazen and I had a more writing focused class with Professor Raymond, who taught Creative Writing.

Brazen drew something he wouldn't let me see and I read more of my book while we waited for Professor Raymond to start the class.

"Alright, class!" Professor Raymond called, and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up.

"Today's a simple catch-up day! Work on any assignments you've missed, and keep in mind that the Remake Reality essay is due Tuesday of next week! If you've finished everything, then do as you please, but kindly make sure that it is quiet!" She flashed a smile. "Now, write away!"

I spent most of the class working on my Remake Reality (which was about if I'd never been bitten) and trying not to stress about the upcoming Enchanting test.

At 8:50, Creative Writing ended and Brazen and I went to Spell-Casting. Naomi and Harlow joined us too.

Yesterday, we'd learned a new spell called the Pain Curse. It was one of the spells that we were not allowed, under any circumstances, to do on partners. When cast, the curse traveled to the part of the victim's body that would cause the most pain.

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