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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
illicit affairs
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After wrapping up filming the video, they all lounged around when Stella's phone rang – it was Jay.

Recently Stella and Jay had been talking heaps, albeit purely platonic (for now). Yet, she felt it was time to move forward with her life, especially since Matt seemed to have already done so.

"Hello?" She answered, with Matt seated across the couch, subtly observing her.

"Just at the triplets, why's that?" she inquired, while Ivy and Riley exchanged knowing smirks.

"Um, fuck yes, I'll send you the address. See you soon," Stella confirmed before ending the call. Unable to restrain himself, Matt inquired, "Who was that?"

An awkward silence ensued. "Uh, just, uh, um, J-Jay," Stella stammered. Matt nodded and returned to his phone.

Externally, he appeared composed, but internally, he seethed with anger. He texted Erin, urging her to come over, and she promptly replied, confirming she was on her way.

Later Stella got up from her seat, Matt followed suit, prompting her to furrow her eyebrows. "I'm just going to get Erin," he explained, raising his hands defensively. Stella pursed her lips and nodded in acknowledgment.

Ivy and Nick both groaned in disapproval. "I don't want to see that horse!" Riley exclaimed, standing up. Ivy sighed, "Sit down, we'll stay for 15 minutes, then leave," she suggested. Piper smiled and sighed contentedly.

"Alright, well, bye guys. I'll see you at home, Riles," Stella says before heading out.

Matt sighed as he trailed behind Stella. They walked in silence toward the two cars parked outside.

"So, what are you and Jay up to?" Matt inquired, breaking the silence. Stella glanced around awkwardly. "Just grabbing McFlurrys and listening to our song as it gets released."

"Oh, you guys have a song?" Matt asked with interest. Stella nodded. "Yeah, it's called 'Hate to be Lame.' The girls are featured on it too, but it's a really good song," she explained. Matt nodded in response. "I bet."

After a brief silence, Matt began, "Stella, I—"

"Gotta go," Stella interrupted, practically running off and jumping into Jay's car. Erin pulled up in her car and parked. "Why were you talking to her?" she demanded as she got out, slamming her door. Matt sighed. "Because she was heading the same way, Erin."

𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐒, 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰Where stories live. Discover now