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thirty-sixIRL, call + messages !

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IRL, call + messages !

" i love that man, with my whole heart "

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illicit affairs
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Piper and Ivy stormed into the living room, their faces twisted in anger. Riley scoffed, her frustration evident. "What are you gonna yell about now?" she snapped.

"You really don't get it, do you?" Piper shot back, her voice seething with frustration. Riley rolled her eyes, and Stella let out a tired sigh. "Get what, Piper? We came home drunk, we were loud, we apologized. It won't happen again. Can't we just move on?" Stella pleaded.

"It's not just that!" Ivy interjected, her voice rising with irritation. "You two just go around doing whatever you want, without even considering who you're hurting in the process!" she accused. Riley laughed incredulously, while Stella shook her head in disbelief.

"What does that even fucking mean?" Riley demanded, her frustration reaching a boiling point.

"It means Chris and Matt spilled everything!" Piper exclaimed, her words landing like a bombshell. Stella and Riley exchanged confused glances. "What?" Stella asked, her voice laced with disbelief.

"Yeah, Matt told us all about your little friends-with-benefits arrangement, whenever you want the benefits but not when Matt needs you or wants something more!" Piper continued, her anger palpable. "And Chris told us all about how you said you can't do a relationship with him because you have commitment issues, and so does he, so it wouldn't work out. Yet you haven't even tried! And you haven't told us any of this!" she accused, her voice dripping with frustration.

Stella scoffed, her own anger simmering beneath the surface. "Wow, okay. You have no fucking idea the shit either one of us has been through to get to where we are now," she retorted, her voice tinged with bitterness. "You think I want to be friends with benefits with Matt? Of course fucking not! I love that man with my whole heart, but I got hurt so badly by him that I refuse to go back until I'm 100% clear. And Chris has made it extremely clear that he doesn't want a relationship, and he can't commit. But it's always the girl's fault, isn't it? Even when they're your best fucking friends," she ranted, her words biting with frustration. Ivy and Piper shook their heads, unmoved by Stella's impassioned defense.

"For you guys not to bring any of this up to us until it builds up is insane," Riley chimed in, her frustration evident. "We're meant to be best friends, we're in the same fucking band — our career, may I add. We need to have trust and communication, but you two have obviously been talking behind our backs and discussing this bullshit," she accused, her voice tinged with betrayal.

"Our friend group has been ripped apart so many times because of this bullshit," Ivy added, her frustration boiling over. Stella and Riley exchanged incredulous glances, disbelief etched on their faces. Stella burst out, "Seriously?!"

Ivy launched into her tirade, "Initially, it was cool with you both smoking daily, then it was understandable with the sadness with everything that happened — mental health is important, but then it turned into Riley's breakup saga and then yours, Stella, with your own breakup drama. Piper also went through a breakup, but she's not making a big deal out of it!" Stella and Riley exchanged incredulous glances.

"First of all, the smoking was because we were teenagers. Teenagers who wanted to try things their friends were doing. Second of all, the sadness was because I had lost my fucking mother, and Riley lived with us. She was like a second fucking daughter to my mom. So do not stand there and belittle our grief by calling it sadness and mental health, because that's just plain out of order," Stella shot back, her voice trembling with emotion. "Third of all, Riley went through a fucking breakup. She dealt with human emotions and human reactions to everything. And finally, I went through a fucking very hard time with Matt, and you all agreed, you were happy to hate on that man when it affected you. But when it's just me, and I'm finally standing up for myself, it's 'Oh my god, Stella's treating Matt so badly,' 'Oh my god, our friend group. No!' I don't know who the fuck you two think you are, but I want no part of it," she declared, her anger reaching its peak.

"I fucking agree with that," Riley chimed in, her voice laced with frustration as she grabbed her bag. Stella followed suit, her expression resolute. "Have fun with this fucking mess, because at this point, I'm not cleaning or doing anything for you two ever again," Stella declared, her voice dripping with bitterness. With that, she stormed out of the apartment, Riley following closely behind, the door slamming shut behind them, leaving Piper and Ivy in stunned silence.

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illicit affairs
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"What's up?" Matt says answering the phone, Stella wipes her tears as Riley passes her a jumper. "If you had such a problem with what was going on, you bring it up to me. Not to my best fucking friends and immediately make our friends take sides!" She exclaims trying to control the emotion in her voice and she cries harder, Riley grabs her hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Stella what— oh shit! i told them not to say anything i promise i wasn't trying to make them take sides i just needed advice." He explains, Stella shakes her head still crying "Advice on what? You talk to me! You explain what you're thinking and why you're thinking it because that's exactly how the old shit used to happen. I'm not doing that again Matt, i told you i'm not. That's why i didn't tell anyone because we were meant to go slow and learn to be together without all the expectations!"

"I needed to talk to someone! I needed someone to understand what i was trying to say!" He yelled back. Stella wiped her eyes again as Riley ordered an uber and they continued walking.

"Yeah well congratulations Matt! You won them all over! You can have them all im done with them and i'm done with you. If you think this is an overreaction go over everything we've spoken about in the past few weeks and let me know if you think i'm overreacting!" She says before hanging up, Riley grabs her friend and pulls her into a hug as the girl sobs. She was tired. Her mom was brought up. Matt was brought up. She had never wanted to block her close circle more in her life then she did right now.

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illicit affairs
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GROUPCHAT; chrome hearts official


what is going on? why am i seeing
articles about this apparent fight
between you four?? did i not tell you
to be careful of volume when in our
apartment building, our neighbours
are big snoopers. what happened?

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illicit affairs
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AN: bored with this storyyyyyy 🥱

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