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fourty-nine email, IRL, + messages !" what the actual fuck?! "

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email, IRL, + messages !
" what the actual fuck?! "

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illicit affairs
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Subject: Regarding Piper Wallace's New Album

Dear Stella, Ivy, and Riley,

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to inform you that Piper Wallace, your ex-band member, has released a new album titled Say Nothing. Although she hasn't mentioned you three directly, many of the songs seem quite pointed and could be perceived as aimed at the band.

Please take some time to listen to the songs and let me know how you would like to proceed, as there has been a lot of controversy recently surrounding the band. Additionally, Piper has taken to Twitter to speak about each song, and let's just say everything is not going well.

I know, Stella, you've been writing songs, so it is up to you whether you'd like to release a song indirectly or take another approach.

For your reference, Say Nothing by Piper Wallace has hit #9 on the charts. Meanwhile, You're Losing Me by Chrome Hearts is currently at #7 after peaking at #2 and has remained in the top 10 since its release. We're doing well, but we need to stay proactive.

The hashtag #piperwallacevschromehearts is trending. I know this isn't the best news to wake up to, but we knew this was a possibility. There are also rumors of Piper planning a tell-all YouTube series. If she proceeds with that, we can discuss our options then, which could include suing for defamation of character or breach of contract.

Please review the situation and get back to me with your thoughts and any decisions on how you want to move forward.

Best regards,

Eliza Simmons
Manager, Chrome Hearts

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illicit affairs
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Stella, Ivy, and Riley gathered in the living room of their apartment, the tension palpable as they prepared to discuss the email from Eliza. Stella had her phone open, reading the email again as Ivy paced back and forth and Riley sat with her arms crossed.

"Okay, so what do we think?" Stella began, glancing up from her phone.

"I knew Piper would stir up trouble, but I didn't think it would be this soon," Ivy said, shaking her head. "The album's one thing, but a tell-all YouTube series? That's low."

Riley sighed, leaning back in her chair. "Yeah, and the songs are obviously about us. She didn't even try to hide it."

Stella nodded, her brow furrowed in thought. "Eliza mentioned I could release a response song, but I don't want to add more fuel to the fire. At least, not right away."

"True," Ivy agreed, finally sitting down. "We don't want to come off as petty. But we can't just ignore it either. The hashtag is already trending, and it's not going to go away on its own."

Riley uncrossed her arms, leaning forward. "Maybe we should address it indirectly. Not a full-on diss track, but something that tells our side of the story."

Stella considered this. "Yeah, something that shows our strength and unity without being too confrontational."

"And if Piper does go ahead with her YouTube series, we can deal with it then," Ivy added. "We have to be smart about this."

"Agreed," Stella said. "We'll keep an eye on the situation and be ready to act if necessary. But for now, let's focus on our music and not let her drag us down."

Riley nodded. "We've worked too hard to let this overshadow everything. Let's show everyone who we really are."

"Okay, Riley, I'm going to start writing a song. I need you to read out some of her tweets," Stella said, grabbing her notebook and a pen.

"Got it," Riley replied, scrolling through her phone. "She said, 'Woke up feeling like the baddest bitch.' And then, 'Got pushed into a corner, felt the need to release my truth.' What a piece of work."

Ivy scoffed and opened her own phone, glancing at the tweets. Stella furiously scribbled down some lyrics.

Riley continued, "She also said, 'I've been walked all over by the girls I used to call my best friends and sisters. Can't wait to release my side of the story. For now, I'll say nothing!' with a winky face!"

"Unbelievable," Ivy muttered. "She's really playing the victim here."

"OH MY GOD!" Riley exclaimed, jumping to her feet. Ivy and Stella looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "What happened?" Stella asked.

Riley took a deep breath and read out loud, "'Stella Davis has never been a nice person. She was always whining and crying. She never treated Matt right, that never sat well with any of us girls. She was rude to everyone, including staff and fans. Riley Jenkins is a bitch who has no respect for anyone and only considers herself in situations, always using people for clout. Ivy Parker is a fake person inside and out. She portrays herself online as this perfect human being, but in reality, it was mentally exhausting being her friend. Broken Heart Club coming in 4 days!!! BHC is a tell-all about CH.' Tweeted from Piper as of one minute ago."

Ivy scoffed in disbelief, "She actually posted that?"

Stella's face flushed with anger. "She's gone too far this time."

"How are we going to handle this?" Ivy asked, looking between her friends.

"I don't fucking know!" Riley exclaims, Stella huffs "What the actual fuck?!"

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illicit affairs
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Eliza Simmons
Stella Davis

Stella Davis
i'm sure you've seen everything.
us girls wanna meet tomorrow
we have two songs we'd like to
release then we'd like to discuss
our options when it comes to the

Eliza Simmons
i'll be there at 9 am.

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illicit affairs
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guys one more parttttttt

(i've already written it x)

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