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[Name] crossed her arms, her eyes gazing down at ruined city. Blood stained upon the buildings as corpses laid below the bridge.

A large crowd gather near center of the village, people scattered about. She glanced about watching the different people about.

Their chattered echoed through the center square. A male figure guided from stand to stand attempting to gain some sort of information.

Though as time lingered, he found himself near an alleyway. Three figures stood amongst themselves in the middle.

A mere disagreement seemed to be unveiling as the elder man tried to calm down. As a taller brunette started sneering into the elder man's face.

"Speakers don't help. Speakers are tainted. You attract evil, you and yours were told to be out by sunset." He sneered, his hand wrapping itself around the elder man's chin.

"And take a look at the sun. The sun is still up. Take a good look at the sunrise, old man."

"Will killing an old man make you less scared of the dark?"

"I don't know. Maybe it will make me feel better."

Before anyone could see the movement, a hooded figure whipped the weapon out of the males hand. It hastily landed upon the white gravel, along with his finger.

The two foe looked at the perpetrator, a simple exchanged of sarcastic remarks followed. The bearded man ordered for his companion to kill the perpetrator.

"Look, I don't like priest at the best of times. I mean I really don't. If you leave now say no more about it."

"Kill him now!"

"Last warning this will get nasty."

The bald man glanced to the side before pulling out a weapon in the shape of a cross. He charged forward attempting to strike the man.

"Seriously? Im out of practice but stone cold sober. Someone will get hurt." The male murmured as he got charged at.

Wrapping his whip round the other persons hand, he spun him away. Only for his foot to be tangled. Trevor moved his whip and flung the male causing him to lose his balance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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