12.Sweet Night 🔞

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Warning ⚠️

Third person

"Should we see us tomorrow when the camping ends in my room?" Niki asked with a smirk and looked into Sunoos' eyes.

"I'm excited, Nishimura. " Sunoo replied.

After this, the four boys went to their room and slept on their beds.


"YAH! You sleepyheads! Get up and pack your things! We are going back now and then you can all go to your homes and then I can also go to my husband." Mr. Choi shouted

Sunoo and Niki suddenly woke up because of Mr. Choi's screaming.

"Moning, Love. Did you sleep well?"

Niki teased. Sunoo rolled his eyes, stood up from his bed, and changed his clothes, not even trying to reply. Nikis questions

"Shut the beautiful mouth, Nishimura, and come change your clothes, or should I make it for you?" Sunoo smirked while he packed his things.

Niki yawned once, stood up from his seat, gave Sunoo a kiss on his cheek, and changed his clothes.

"Ready?" Niki asked from behind.

"Niki, you aren't eve-"

Sunoo turned around and saw a ready Niki smirking at him with his bag in his hand and the other in his pocket.

"Since when are you ready?!" Sunoo asked better like shouting!

"Since five minutes, now be ready in two minutes, foxy. I can't wait forever." Niki said and helped Sunoo with packing.

**Time skipped**

After the bus ride and so on, they finally arrived. Jay brought Jungwon into bridal style, carried the things, and went home. Jake, Heeseung, and Sunghoon went to a threesome date, and Niki and Sunoo to Niki's house

**In Nikis penthouse**

"Sunoo hyung?" Niki said in a soft voice.

"What do you want?"

"Hey, why so strictly?"

"Because, every time you call me 'Sunoo HYUNG', then you want something from me."

"Damn, you really know me."

"Mhm, anyways, what do you want?"

"Yesterday you said we could do it. So let's do it!" Niki explained.

Sunoo raised an eyebrow. Looked into Nikis' eyes.

"I didn't say we could do it, i said I'm excited. " Sunoo said.

"What's the difference?! It's the same! Can we now? Please." Niki shouted like a little child who wants a lollipop.

Sunoo smirked at the younger, adorable behavior.

"Ugh, fine. But only for today, ok? I'm a little tired. " Sunoo gave up.

Niki smirked ,started getting closer to Sunoo, and grabbed at his waist. Sunoo blushed a little but tried to be serious.

Niki started unzipping his jackets' zip and pulled it out. Now Niki was just with black scinny pants and a white shirt.

He grabbed Sunoo's jaw, smirked one more time, and kissed him passionately. Sunoo grabbed Nikis' hair and kissed him back.

Niki got back slowly, and they both started breathing heavily.

Suddenly, Niki grabbed Sunoo's waist and carried him in bridal style. Went from the downstairs to upstairs at his bedroom.

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