15-Mother! I am born mad.

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Hi! I want to ask you a favor. While reading this story, if you find a mistake or any line that you find cringe or something that disturbs you as a reader. Let me know <3 because I'm writing this book as the second book of my published book and I would love to know your opinion about the first draft of the book. all the love winter <3


My duty was taking a dip, each dip she took etching deeper into my mind. Her movements were like strokes of ink on my memory canvas. She dressed in waves and shadows, a siren in green, luring all who dared to look. Her curves, were a luxury beyond reach, a temptation I couldn't resist, but one I couldn't afford to indulge in.

One thing about women, a code I live by, a creed I've carved into my being: I do not pursue them with desperate pleas, nor do I engage in the art of seduction to lead them to my bed. I hold their bodies in the highest regard, and I am repulsed by my own gaze when it lingers on a woman's form, for I believe I have no right to such scrutiny.

Yet, when it comes to her, the woman who is rightfully mine, I find myself caught. I steal glances at her whenever I can, unable to resist the pull she exerts over me. She is my wife, bound to me by law but not love. Still, my principles remain unyielding. I cannot allow myself to touch her without her explicit consent, without her desire guiding my actions.

Every fiber of my being aches to reach out to her, to draw her close and feel her warmth against my skin. But I can not, I don't love her. I must wait, patiently, until she and I are ready, until she wants me as fervently as I yearn for her. For now, I remain in the shadows, a silent guardian of her body and soul, waiting for the moment when our desires align and our love can truly be consummated.

I have my own deeply personal reasons for abstaining from intimate encounters with women, for remaining a virgin despite the temptations that surround me. To some, my rationale may seem unconventional, even eccentric. I am convinced that humans are inherently meant for each other, destined to find their counterparts in this vast, chaotic world. As I've studied the intricacies of human anatomy, both female and male, I've been awestruck by the sheer complexity and beauty of our physical forms. It is this very complexity, this marvel of creation, that reinforces my conviction that intimacy should be cherished and reserved for a bond that transcends mere physical desire.

I reject the notion that any woman should feel compelled to open herself to any man, or that any man should treat intimacy as a mere physical conquest. Until the day comes when I find that unique connection, that profound understanding with another soul, I choose to remain steadfast in my beliefs about sex.

As I adjusted my sunglasses, I settled onto the sunbeds near the shore, watching Jay on another sunbed, basking in the warm breeze as he observed his wife and son. They were, without a doubt, the most peculiar family I had encountered. Especially their son, who seemed to harbor a deep disdain for me. And yet, paradoxically, he was enamored with my role, falling head over heels for her.

I had never encountered a child so fixated, so obsessed. Was it truly love that he felt, or simply a profound admiration for her? And if it was love, what kind of love could it be, in a child so young and seemingly consumed by it? The complexities of human emotion, especially in the young, never failed to intrigue and confound me.

He holds her hand and she lets him. Jay's son, with a grip on her hand, engaged in innocent play, digging in the sand as she patiently joined in, her usual scowl conspicuously absent. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, wishing for just a fraction of the warmth she bestowed upon him.

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