Grinning Demon| I-Duo Vigilante AU

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this is short, pacing is off, and unfinished. I might finish it later though.


Violet panted, shifting her mask so she can wipe her face underneath it. A body lay near motionless on the floor, only his chest moving slowly up and down.

The air around her shifted, and she groaned. Her hands picked up the downed man as a chuckle permeated the air.

"Busy night?" Cheshire asked with a grin. His feet hit the ground and he leaned against the brick wall, watching as Violet leaned the body against the fire escape. She shuffled through her bag.

"Just a little. You could have helped," she responded, pulling out a rope. "Speaking of helping, make sure the money is somewhere easy to find, but out of the way in case someone else tries to steal it- without taking any." Her eyes narrowed and he paused for a moment. He slipped the money that was bunched up in his fist back into the duffel bag with a huff.

"You're no fun," he said, rolling his eyes. He tossed it up and onto a level of the fire escape, watching Violet tighten the knot that tightened the man's wrists to the pole.

"..." She inspected the man for a moment. The robber didn't seem to have any powers while fighting her, so this should be fine. Right?

The man was still unconscious.

With a huff, she pulled out her communicator to ping law enforcement. It gave a cheerful chime that made her smile slightly.

She turned around, getting face to face with a dual colored face. Cheshire grinned as she jerked back in surprise, legs hooked over a platform of solid air as he hung upside down.

"So! Are you free tonight? Wanna rob a bitch?"" He asked curiously, tilting his head. Cheshire was... very catlike, in that way. The name the public chose was very fitting for the vigilante that always grinned. Especially when he started showing up with a cat theme after the name caught on.

He was always mischievous though...

Violet huffed, cracking her neck lightly as she pocketed her communicator. It dinged with a small notification, which peaked Cheshire's interest, but she ignored it.

"... Nah, I kinda wanna stop by a café for some food. That guy hit hard." She replied, stolling past and closer to the more populated areas of the city.

It wasn't very accepted to see a vigilante out and about, much less two, but there's a specific area where many will turn a blind eye if you don't get into trouble.

Violet pushed the door open, ignoring the look of interest from the cashier as she pulled out two florens. "Pick what you want. Don't pay unless you intend to use cash," she explained mindlessly. Truthfully, this wasn't the first time she invited another person. Though most of those other people weren't vigilantes; usually people she happened to save who desperately needed food.

Cheshire waved his hands dismissively. "Nah, why would I miss out on the chance to not spend any money?"

"Why would you indeed..."

Violet ordered a bowl of soup for later, watching as her companion ordered a coffee. He dragged her to a table in the corner.

There was an awkward silence.

Violet inspected Cheshire again. He didn't wear a mask, and his hair and face was rather distinctive. How come she's never seen him in civilian life?

"How come I've never seen you as a civilian?" Violet asked as politely as she could, watching as he perked up slightly at her question. "You have white hair. And your-" she gestured to her mask. "-exposed face is very unique."

His lips morphed into an o, but he grinned and answered quickly. "That's because I don't exist."

Violet's brows narrowed under her mask. "... Your power is the air thing, you definitely aren't an illusionist."

Cheshire snickered, nodding lightly to the waiter as they placed their orders on the table. "Well, that's true. But I don't exist legally. Pretty cool right?"

"What do you do during the day then-"

"You ask too many questions."

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