Chapter 4.29 - Waking Up

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Emmett walked along a metallic shore. Shards of metal crunched beneath his feet like glass. Black waves lapped at the shore, but without a moon or stars, he couldn't see far. When the waves broke the surf smelled like oil and blood.

He was utterly alone, except for the hands that lined the beach, flanking his path like a dead garden. They reached up out of the sand, still as statues, yet as Emmett walked, they always seemed to be reaching toward him.

He couldn't tell if they were trying to hold him back or beckoning him onward.

Emmett looked back and saw his skin sloughing off behind him as he walked. A mix of silver and flesh marked his path and disappeared into the distance. The skin of his feet and halfway up his shins had flaked away, leaving a silver-colored structure—a mix of flexible musculature and rigid bone. All synthetic.

He'd been here before—Emmett was certain...

But when?

Slowly, the realization came to him, like a fog lifting. He'd had this dream before. The first time in a poison-induced coma at the hands of Porcelain. But that wasn't the only time.

He'd had this dream many times since.

Sometimes he saw other people walking the shore. Other times they were in the waves. They were always half-metallic, like him. Like twisted reflections.

Sometimes they'd reach for him, and Emmett would recoil and try to run away. No matter what he did, they would always catch him. No matter how hard he fought, they would wrestle him down to the sand or drag him beneath the waves. He'd see his own horrified face reflected back in their perfect metal.

Despite how scared Emmett's reflection was, he was never scared while it happened. Never scared when he woke up. He was more worried that he kept having the dream than he was about the dream itself.

This time, he saw Antony, Mom, Dad, Darryl, Maci, and the boys. They were sinking beneath the sand, frozen, like everyone else. Each time Emmett blinked, they disappeared further and further beneath the shimmering sand. Antony... Antony was the last to disappear.


Emmett struggled beneath the waves, and his hand punched something hard.

Felt glass shatter.

Water flowed.

Only then did Emmett open his eyes. He was in the submersion tank. Water was spilling out across the room. A lot of water.

He'd woken up.

Emmett tried to say, "Shit. Sorry," but between the breathing mask and the water, even he couldn't understand what he said.

Dr. Venture's muted voice came from somewhere behind the current.

"TINA, what happened?"

"Emmett was having a dream and woke up from sedation. All vital signs are normal."

Through the water, Emmett could just make out the spider-like operating arms from the ceiling. They'd descended and were now moving in a blur to patch the broken glass.

When they finished, Emmett climbed out of the tank and pulled off his mask. Thankfully, he'd worn a pair of tight shorts, so he was only self-conscious about the damage he'd caused.

"Don't worry about it," Venture said, sloshing through the puddle of water. "Really. We can repair it. And you don't need the stress. Drones will take care of the water."

"How did it go?" Emmett asked. He glanced around the room, trying to see if anything had changed—not with the room, but with his senses.

"We'll need to keep you under observation for a few hours, but TINA's been keeping an eye on you."

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