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Ben's pov

I got closer to y/n but every step I took she stepped back until her back hit the light blue walls. "Now listen very closely here sweetheart" I could feel y/n's body heat against mine I heard her breath on my neck "if I find out you are with that fucker of a murder I will claim what is mine"

"He is harmless" "harmless.." I said "yeah some fucker that is probably gonna try to get with you in the next couple of weeks"

Y/n is mine, she will always be mine, and if I have to kill a man just to have her I will

Y/n pushed me I then pinned her against the wall "do you understand?" No respond "it's not a request it's an order" birds chirp in the silence
"Unless you want your little boyfriend too get hurt-" "no fine I'll stay away from him as possible" finally a response

Jayme came in the room making y/n have a chance to leave I watched her way to the door hearing the front doors close "what the fuck happened" Jayme asked "none of your business" I say

I make my way downstairs into the kitchen seeing my whole family there even Marcus I haven't seen him in a while "what the fuck is wrong with you" Marcus pushed me "fuck off!" I pushed back "really you are just going to do that to y/n" I didn't respond

I just dodged the question and grabbed alcohol for the mini fridge in the bar room and I headed my way back into my room...

Thinking of.. Her

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