1. girlxgirl

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eloise and lilith
being gay in a religious town was not easy. the fact that they knew eachother and knew that the other was gay is a true miracle.

they liked each other romantically and knew that from the moment they met each other, but they knew it would be hard to date while in a religious town as well as without their family knowing.

they deemed it was easier to be friends. but that didn't stop them from sneaking little kisses in each others rooms and going on secret dates.

it was a easy to disguise their dates as just going shopping with friends or out to eat with their best friend, so their dates weren't too limited.

today they'd went to the mall, though they didn't get anything and really just browsed. they had just finished dinner. both of their roommates were in for the night but eloise and lilith really didn't want their day to end.

"maybe we could sneak back to my place... i'm sure my roommate is too busy with her boyfriend to notice us." eloise said as they sat in the car, they'd been here for five minutes debating where to go next.

"i'd have to stop by my place to get some clothes, but that's fine by me." lilith smiled warmly at eloise.

"look at me." she cooed, grinning when eloise shook her head softly. she leaned over the armrest and gently grabbed her chin, turning her head so their eyes met.

"am i making you nervous?" she teased, rubbing her thumb against her cheek. eloise didn't respond for awhile, her mouth salivating just thinking about lilith's lips against hers.

"ellie?" she cooed, bring her face an inch closer.

"kiss me." eloise whispered. lilith looked around. they were at the back of the restaurant parking lot, and it had already gotten dark out. the area was pretty much empty as the restaurant was closing when they left.

"please?" she pleaded. lilith smirked, leaning in and pressing their lips together. once their lips met she knew she didn't want to pull away and lilith could tell from the way her breathing got heavier.

"you think you can go home like this?" lilith asked, her hand rubbing her exposed thigh.

"no... i need you." she whined, unbuckling her seatbelt and climbed over into her lap.

"you sure?" lilith asked, pressing their lips together as her hand held the side of her neck.

"i know this is risky-" eloise breathed against her lips before she leaned back in.

"but i don't care." she continued, attempting to wiggling her jean shorts down her hips.

"woah baby, i got you." lilith cooed, kissing her cheek before sliding the seat back and flipped their position. lilith sunk down into the footwell as eloise got comfortable in the passenger seat.

"what are you doin?" she laughed softly, running her fingers through lilith's dark hair.

"shhh." she smirked, tugging her shorts down completely and followed them with her underwear.

"recline the seat baby." she cooed, softly rubbing her clit with her thumb. eloise did as she was told, reclining the seat before feeling lilith pressing her legs up to her chest.

"fuck you're so beautiful." she cooed, lick a strip up her slit.

"baby." eloise whined, spreading her thighs apart as lilith did it again. she muttered a curse before sinking her head down between her thighs. the feeling overtook her body, her head spinning as lilith massaged her clit with het tongue.

"i'm addicted to you." she mumbled before her lips met eloise's thigh.

"i want to touch you too... who knows the next time we'll have time together again." lilith kissed up her shirt, pressing their lips together.

"don't worry about me... we don't have that much space in here, i'll be fine." she kissed her check before descending her body again, her lips freezing on her boobs.

"we've got to get a hotel... have some time where we don't have to sneak and we can truly explore each other." eloise nodded.

"i'd like that." she groaned as she felt herself stretching around lilith's fingers.

"you like that, don't you." he brushed her dark hair from her face as her eyes rolled. she sunk back down and pressed eloise's knees up with her free hand.

"baby i'm gonna cum." she whined, fisting her black hair as the feeling of her fingers and tongue fogged her mind and clouded her vision.

"cum for me... let it out." lilith cooed, kissing her vulva before diving back in. that was all eloise needed to hear before she let her orgasm wash over her.

"fuck that felt good." eloise whined as she sat up from the seat.

"let me get you cleaned up then we can go." eloise nodded and watched as lilith grabbed wipes from the arm rest.

short little chapter for today (:

lmk if you guys want to see when they get that hotel room!

826 words.

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