8. girlxboy

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jude and darcy, oral fixation😛
darcy has known for awhile that she has an oral fixation. as a kid she was a thumb sucker and even into her adult years she found her fingers in her mouth if she couldn't fall asleep.

when her best friend jude moved in she hadn't even noticed that when they cuddled she's grind her teeth. and when they grew closer she liked to bite him. it wasn't too hard but she liked the feeling, it wasn't the same as biting herself. jude didn't understand but he also didn't question.

it took one night after a long work week and some drinks for their hidden feelings for eachother bloomed. ever since darcy liked sleeping in his room. she loved cuddling with him and the way his fingers brushed her face. and his gentle kisses, that was probably her favorite.

since that day they hadn't done anything sexual, but lately darcy's oral fixation had kicked up. jude noticed it too with how often she'd bite him.

today was saturday. they didn't have anything going on and where just doing their own things around the house. the last time they saw eachother was at lunch. but now it was closer to dinner time. darcy walked through their house while looking for him.

"hey jude." she said while walking through his open door.

"hi my darling." he smiled, scooting over so she could lay in bed besides him.

"i was wondering if i could try something." she said, heart warming at how supportive he already seemed with his gentle head nod and smile.

"of course, what's up?" he asked, brushing her messy light hair from her face.

"well, i've done about everything and i'm still having an urge.. i was wondering if maybe-" she trailed, trying to find the right words for her crazy thoughts.

"maybe could i try, sucking you off." his smile turned into a smirk ever so slowly.

"you think i'm gonna turn that down?" he asked, pressing their lips together. she smiled and straddled his hips, untying his sweatpants before scooting down his legs.

"you think it'll work?" he asked as her fingers toyed with his length.

"i dunno, i think it might." she shrugged, settling her mouth around his tip. a soft hum ignited in her chest as she took more of him into her mouth. she felt as he grew in her mouth, and his length was a little intense but really she was loving it.

jude wasn't sure if he should take this as sexual, or her just seeking comfort however she could. so he just stroked her head softly while attempting to hold back his groans.

"you can enjoy this, you know." she said after pulling off with a soft pop.

"i wasn't sure, didn't want to ruin your moment by making it sexual." she laughed, stroking his length in her hands.

"i think having my lips wrapped around you is about as sexual as it gets." he laughed, sucking in a sharp breath as she took more of him down her throat.

"god, darcy." he groaned, resting his hand on her head but didn't push her. at the end of the day, she was still trying to find comfort and he didn't know where that line is. she bobbed her head slowly, taking in all the length in her mouth. the movement was slow, but he didn't say anything.

"you're eyes are so pretty." he cooed, brushing his thumb against her cheek.

"god this isn't working anymore." she whined, sitting up off of his length and tugged down her shorts.

"woah, are you sure." he asked, his hands glued to her hips as she sat against his thighs.

"i'm positive." she begged. he nodded and loosened his grip on her hips and let her lead again. the first time he had the lead, and they were pretty tipsy. they talked afterwards and she said she enjoyed it, but he wanted this time to be on her terms.

"oh my god." she groaned, halting her hips as she was about half way.

"take your time." he cooed, brushing his thumbs against the fabric of her oversized shirt.

"i forgot how big you are." she whined, adjusting her hips to take him more comfortably. his cheeks blushed at her comment. it took a few minutes for her body to get used to his.

"darcy." he growled as she sunk down on him the rest of the way. she knew the affect she's had on him for a long time, and she loved the way that she could feel it. his length throbbed every time she whined, panted or moved.

"you feel so good." she whined, softly rocking her hips against his length.

"kiss me." he pleaded, pulling her in by the waist. she smiled and pressed their lips together, bucking her hips softly against him.

"fuck." he whispered against her lips, squeezing her hips softly in his hands.

"can i have your fingers?" she heaved at the way his hands rubbed her body. he slipped one hand up her body and offered her his hand. she took his middle and forefinger between her lips, her thighs tensing as he shifted his hips.

"bounce for me baby." he cooed, his other hand running up her back. she obliged, lifting her hips then bounced them back down.

"that's it, keep going for me." he praised, brushing her head soothingly. she cried around his fingers, taking them deeper down her throat

"god you're so perfect." he groaned, pulling her into himself.

"jude." she whined, her hand around his wrist removing his fingers and tucked her head against his shoulder.

"i can feel how close you are for me." he whispered into her ear, lifting her hips slightly so he could rock up into her.

"you drive me fucking crazy." she groaned, wrapping her arms tight around his shoulders.

"i'm so close." he said softly, head tipping back as he thrusted into her.

"i am too." she panted, taking back her tempo as he slowed his. she watched his eyes close tightly and his hands gripped her hips harshly.

"darcy." he groaned as her hips stuttered and her hand rubbed between her thighs. she let him slide out of her before wrapping her hand around his length. she pumped to the same rhythm as before. she smirked as white spilled down her hand.

"that's it." she cooed, pumping until his body relaxed and all that could be heard in the room is their heavy breathing. his eyes tracked her hand as it left his length and her fingers slid into her mouth.

"oh my god." he groaned, cupping her face between his hands and pulled her in for a kiss.
i forgot to upload yesterday😓

1132 words

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