13. boyxboy

735 4 25

reed and milo.
reed has always had a complicated family life. there was so many ups and downs that when he was about sixteen he started saving money to move out. though when he turned eighteen he realized stuff was always more expensive and complicated than he originally thought it would be.

so until he had a couple thousand more, he'd be stuck with his family. it didn't help that he'd just gotten let go of his job, so not only was he short on moving out... but he also had to find a new job.

he's always found comfort in milo and his family. they were simple and welcoming anytime he needed a break from his family. overtime he started getting feelings for milo, though he wasn't sure if it was just because he was nice or if he really had romantic feelings.

today was one of those weeks. his family was arguing, they also had some family staying with them so the house was full to the brim with people. he was in need of just simplicity.

since milo was nineteen he had been living in his own apartment, though reed wouldn't mind seeing his family. he packed a duffle bag of things and made his way over to milo's house. it was nice to walk, though by the time he arrived his legs were ready to give out.

"hey! you walked all the way here?" milo asked while welcoming him in.

"yeah... it was okay, though... gave me time to relax and think." milo frowned.

"i'll come get you next time, and i won't play music or talk so you can think." he smiled softly, set his duffle bag down and sat at the island.

"i made dinner, but if you're not up for company i understand... you can go into the guest room if you'd like." he pulled a plate down from the cabinet and began making the plate of food. when he spun around milo sat down a plate of rice, sauced salmon and broccoli.

"i'd like the company." he said with a soft smile. milo made himself a plate and sat besides reed, letting him lead the conversation if he wanted to.

"how was your day?" reed asked after a few minutes of silence.

"it was good." milo smiled.

"how was yours?" he asked back, keeping the conversation light.

"it was fine... just need a break from the house is all, it's getting to be a lot." milo turned to him and smiled softly, resting his hand on reed's thigh.

"you can stay here if you want... you know i've always given you that offer." he nodded.

"and my answer hasn't changed, i don't want to just live off of you for free."

"well then we can work out some kind of deal, split things down the middle... i just want you somewhere that you're comfortable." reed smiled, feeling his thumb softly rub his leg before it left. now that it was gone he missed it so much.

they'd finished dinner and milo went to get ready for bed while reed relaxed in the living room. he didn't want to be in bed, that's where he hid away at his house. his living room had never been so quiet and clean at his house.

"hey." milo's hand brushed his hair, then tapped his shoulder.

"hi." he smiled and scooted over so milo could sit down.

"i think i'm gonna take you up on your offer." he stated. milo smiled.

"oh, okay." he said, not wanting to sound too excited or pushy.

"and i was thinking, could i maybe stay in your room? just for tonight." milo grinned.

"of course you can."

"i just need to shower, then i'll meet you in your room... if that's okay with you." reed stood from the couch and walked to his duffle bag.

"sounds good, ice cream sundae sound appetizing?" reed laughed.

"you know it." he said before walking off to the bathroom.
they had their ice cream sundaes and then found a movie to watch. milo was on the edge of falling asleep, but every time he got close reed pulled the blankets off of him again.

"if you don't stop being a blanket hog i will make you sleep in the guest room." he grumbled sleepily, tugging the blankets over himself again. reed turned to face him.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to." milo smiled, peaking his eyes open.

"i was joking." he smiled. reed brushed milo's hair from his eyes and gazed at him.

"you're so cute." reed whispered, his hand pausing from brushing his face.

"i'm sorry." he immediately said, pulling his hand away as milo sat up.

"you're fine, reed." he cooed, laying against the man's thighs.

"i think you're cute too." he whispered. reed smiled while his hand brushed up milo's torso and to his face. they stayed like this for a little bit, reed fell back into the show as his hand continued to rub reeds face.

"will you hold me?" he asked. reed looked down and smiled, sinking his body down until his head laid on the pillows. his arms encircled milo's body, holding him softly but still securely.

"comfy?" reed asked, his lips meeting milo's forehead for a soft kiss.

"yeah." milo mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed as sleep overtook his mind. never did he thinking today, after his shitty day that he'd be cuddling with milo. but he couldn't say he was mad about it. he loved the feeling of milo in his arms. his snoring was soft and the beating of his heart steady.
so cute😊

941 words

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