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Quickly after the clock turned six people started filling up my house. My backyard was filled, it was hard to maneuver the kitchen, the swimming pool was about to overflow, but nevertheless it was amazing. 

I'd gotten many birthday wishes from people I'd never spoken to before and it made me feel accepted. I didn't feel like an outsider for the first time since moving here. Moving to another country after graduating is very scary and it's so hard to make friends without school. 

"Bella! Come here!" I looked over to see Sarah waving me over. She was with the boy I recognized as Dylan. He was cuter in person. Something about his smile made him very attractive. His height was a benefit as well. He was a good six inches taller than me. "This is Dylan. Dylan, meet Mirabella." 

He extended his hand, making me giggle but I accepted it and shook it. "Lovely to meet you Mirabella. This is an amazing party, Happy Birthday by the way."

I couldn't help but smile. He was a smooth talker. His voice was hot. "Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it." I noticed Sarah had already ditched but she was watching us from a distance, giving me a thumbs up. "Wanna get a drink?" 

"Sure." His hand hovered over the small of my back as we maneuvered through the crowd of sweaty bodies and into my kitchen where the drinks were being served. Topper and Liam had stocked us with enough alcohol to supply the entire state, plus the kegs Kelce and Adam got. I made sure Topper picked up some Twisted Teas which were my favorite. 

I dug out a can of Twisted Tea from the back of my freezer which was where I'd hid them. "What do you want?" 

Dylan glanced around at all of our options. "Uh...Do you have any flavor packets?" 

I raised an eyebrow at the request but walked into my pantry and returned with a glass jar full of flavor packets. "Pick your poison." He picked out a strawberry lemonade one then poured some vodka into a cup. Using a spoon he stirred the flavoring into the vodka and took a test sip.

"Perfect. The flavoring makes the vodka easier to handle." He informed me. 

"Smart." Vodka tastes fine as is. 

"Dylan?" I looked over to see Rafe who looked less than pleased to see him. 

"Oh...Hey Rafe." Dylan cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you moved to the mainland." Rafe questioned, his eyes switching between us. 

"I did but Mirabella invited me." He explained. Technically I didn't invite him but I'm glad he didn't throw Sarah under the bus. 

Rafe raised an eyebrow and looked at me like he didn't believe it. "Whatever. Mirabella can I talk to you?" 

"Sure. I'll be right back Dylan." I shot him an apologetic look before following Rafe upstairs. He walked down the hallway and towards my bedroom.

"Is this your room?" He asked and I nodded. He opened the door and waved me in, shutting it behind me. "Listen. I don't know how you know him, I assume Sarah, but you need to stay the fuck away from him." 

"Why? I don't have to listen to you. I barely know you and besides, I'm an adult now." I said, smirking at the last part.

Rafe practically scoffed. "Yeah for how many hours? You've been an adult for less than twenty-four hours so don't even. He's not a good person, Mira. I know how he is. Just trust me on this." 

I folded my arms over. "I've been an adult for less than a day but yet I'm still more mature than you. I don't have to listen to you Rafe. Thanks for saving me before, but I don't need you to save me again. If, and this is only if, he turns out to be a bad person I'm perfectly capable of handling myself." I walked out before he could say anything else, leaving him standing in my room. I heard him call after me but I desperately wanted to get outside and away from him. I know I probably should trust him but I hate how he talks to me. 

Beautiful People Beautiful Problems | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now