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" Why is your eye twitching " You ask him
His voice is high pitched as he seems to be loosing his composure "There is no order , why are they all standing around . No one is saluting . They look like a group of brand new soldiers "
" Aaron , this is a public school . There is no order "
He raises his eyebrows , in a horrified expression
"Sorry " You say
a Senior pushes you out of the way , you sigh an iterated sigh and Aaron pushes the seniors shoulder making him turn so he faces Aaron .
" Do you have no respect for a woman ? "
" What is this the 1940s Blondie? Equal rights baby "
He laughs stupidly throwing his arms in the air  walking  away .
Aaron rolls his eyes frustrated ," its much easier to work with people when they're afraid of you isnt it ? "
Defeat flashes in and out of his composure so fast if you blinked you would have missed it
"yeah , come on we should get to class "
He follows behind you as you make your way to a class . Aaron is quiet beside you . The kids at your school never seemed to care about attendance and neither did the teachers so luckily you could use it to your advantage . You made your way to the first class of the day which was English . He finds an empty seat not to far from you and you sit in your assigned seat . You take your books as the teacher starts with Shakespeare literature . You make notes as she reads and explains the story . As your teacher reads the line tattooed between his hip bones . Your eyes widen and you blush red , you keep your eyes on your book and look to Aaron out of the corner of your eye , and you only see a faint smirk dancing in the corner of his mouth while he scribbles something on a piece of paper .

The bell rings and Aaron shoots up out of the chair immediately drawing attention to himself , the whole class stays down . His eyes wild and confused , chest heaving up and down .
" I assume you are new here " your English teacher says softly  " And I want you to know that the bell does not dismiss you , I dismiss you " she says her voice raising higher with each word . Aaron does not do as much as flinch . " What are you waiting for ? " the teacher yells " Sit down ! " he does so
The teacher dismisses everyone and you wait for him outside the class .
He comes outside his backpack slung over one shoulder you can tell he's pissed .
" You okay ? " You ask him
" Yes . " You start walking  to your next class  " Why does the school bell sound like an alarm ? "
" I don't know " You reply " I'm sorry Aaron I should have warned you "
" It's okay " he says relaxing " I know now "
You walk side by side to your biology class and find your friend Julie , she is a ginger with freckles and the prettiest ice blue eyes , you go over to hug her and Aaron follows behind you .
" Interesting ... " Aaron says looking her up and down " What genetic mutation do you have ? " he asks tilting his head
" Aaron " You say boxing his arm suppressing a smile. 
Your friend laughs " It's fine "
Your best friend Marie arrives at class she has curly brown hair and hazel eyes with round glasses that has a metal pink frame . She is also shorter than you . You give her a tight hug .
Her eyes widen in suprise once she gets a glimpse at Aaron , she points a finger at him " You look almost identical to Aaron Warner , y/n's fictional crush "
Aaron raises his eyebrows in suprise as he looks at you . You cross your arms avoiding eye contact .
" Heyyyyy girlll " You hear in the distance and your whole face relaxes and your features go blank .

POV : Aaron Warner enters the real worldWhere stories live. Discover now