Part 1

42 1 39

     3rd person*
In Yokohama it it quite humid and hot with a bit of breeze every now and then, with subtle notice. For it being Yokohama it is rather a quiet morning, peaceful even.

The sun is shinning down into the houses nearby, one being Chuuya Nakhara's, which he turns and tosses until he gives in and got up out of bed.

*3rd person; Chuuya*
The sun is beaming through his window, it annoys him! He tries to turn to the wall, so he can avoid the sunlight, but failed. Now he HAS to get up. Chuuya sat up on his bed, he just sat there looking at nothing, kinda just staring into a void. Until he catches himself and gets himself out of his weird trance.

Chuuya gets up and out of bed, and got his towel and boxers to take a shower. He heads to the restroom, still kinda slobbish 'cause he just woke up. He gets undressed, and hops in the shower, feeling refreshed, but that was short lived. He remembered that he has to thoroughly wash his hair, which might seem dramatic but he *HATES* washing his hair. He only likes to style it when it's already taken care of, but he knows he can only get there if he does this first.

~Time Skip~

Chuuya gets out of the shower after an hour or two. He dries off (obv) he then puts his boxers on, he heads to his room and picks out an oversized shirt some regular shorts. After all of that he now has to dry, and style his hair which can take however long depending on his speed, and consistency.

~Time Skip~

~1st person~
*School starts soon, I wonder if me and the mackerel will have the same classes...*again*. Maybe I should message him, I haven't heard from him I awhile.

*Dazai's POV*

*Ughh, it's so bright,* -Dazai thought as he opened his eyes, which led with him covering them with his forearm. He sat up after a few moments of lying down in silence. *I'm still tired, but I just can't fall back to sleep!* he was annoyed about that. Even though he didn't want to get up, he had to. He then got up to take a shower because it's been a *LONG* time since he felt like taking a shower, or even getting up.

~Time Skip~
*3rd person*
Dazai got out the shower and but his clothes on, a baggy t-shirt, sweatpants, and long socks that go up his calves.

~1st person~
I got on my bed, I didn't lay down I just sat up against the wall. Once I had got situated and comfortable I got my phone which was under my pillow. I went on a few apps, looked through them but got bored since nothing caught my eye, until I seen something that said 'Back To School' and instantly felt numb, but also glad to get out the house finally, it's tiring to live with my father, Mori, that shithead is annoying, and weird.
~3rd person~
Dazai sat on the bed for a little while starring at the wall across from where he is. He got up after that, and put his shoes on, put his hair up into a small ponytail, got his keys and left the house before his father could say or see him.

~Time Skip~

~First Person~
I was just driving around the beach since it was still early. Some time later I parked randomly, and got a message from Chibi. I was happy, I haven't heard from him in awhile.
~ C H I B I ~🤍
C- Hey, how've you been
Mackerel? You doing
anything today?

D- HAIII CHIBII, and I'm and NOT doing anything today, I've been alright, you?

C- I'm good, and do you
Think you'll be able to hang
Out today, since you're not

D- Okayy sounds good! But where did you wanna go???

C- I was thinking the mall,
or maybe get something to
eat before than?

D- Okay, did you want to meet up rn??

C- if you can yeah

D- Sounds good I'm headed that way!
End of chapter one and already tired of it :'D
I hope I did good for this being my first time writing something like this,
Anywho, BYEEE cya laterXP

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