chapter six

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Cody drives like he has nine lives.

"Would you please slow down?" I yell. My hand is on the handle at the top of the car door and I am slouching into the right of the car. My life is flashing before my eyes as he races for that green light before it turns yellow. "You only have one life, Cody, use it wisely!" Cody made a sharp left turn and returns, "It's fine! I'm a pro!" 

In fact, he is not a pro. I gave him the directions to my house earlier, and as soon as we made it into the front gates I stumbled out and dryly retched on the pavement. Cody looks at me worriedly. "Geez, you do have really bad motion sickness. I'll drive a bit slower next time."

"A bit?" I say, but Cody isn't listening. Instead he is staring at the house in awe. It was a very average reaction, honestly. I have seven siblings excluding me, so the house has got to be huge to have enough bedrooms for all of us. I don't know how my parents afforded so many kids. If they had to give one up I'd gladly offer myself.

The architecture is also impressive. It has tall pillars of limestone and pretty terracotta tiles scattering the floor in the Sterecra emblem. In the daylight the house looks yellow as fuck, but in the night it is illuminated by the moon in a periwinkle blue shade and you can see sparkles in it where the moonlight hits.

"Your house," Cody says, jaw dropping, "is massive."

"Really? I didn't know." I begin to walk to the front door and unlock it with my keys but notice Cody is completely frozen. I go back to him and snap my fingers in his face. "Hello? Earth to Cody. You wanted to come to my house, come on." 

"I did, but I didn't expect it would be like..." He gestured with his hands to the house. "It's not even a house. It's a mansion." 

"I'm sure you don't think any less of it. I've been to Heather's house, it's even bigger." I grab his arm and drag him up the front steps. I saw Cody blink a few times when I grabbed him, probably taking him by surprise. That or he saw my sister.

Abi walked towards me, not looking up once from her phone. "There you are, Noah, hurry up and get undressed because I need your opinion on this shirt I desi-" She held out her phone to show me but then noticed the brunette standing at my side. "Oh. Who's this?"

Cody was stammering, and he couldn't stop staring. "Uh-duh," he says like an idiot. 

I roll my eyes. "Oh my goodness. This is Cody. Cody, my sister Abrielle."

"Oh, a Cody?" Abi smirks. "You've never told me about a Cody before." She shoves me aside, leaving me fallen on the couch and says, "I'm Abi, Noah's older sister. Charmed." She sticks out her hand to shake Cody's, and wedges her boobs in his face (I'm not sure if this is intentional or not). Cody takes it in a confused manner, like the way he stares at Gwen sometimes. He isn't really that good at hiding when he thinks someone is hot.

Abi was fucking with Cody. She wouldn't let go of his hand and kept shaking it up and down aggressively. She grinned at him. "My brother has never brought any girl home before, I didn't know he was gonna bring a guy instead! Isn't that funny? Haha!" 

I grumble. "He's not my boyfriend. He just wanted to visit my house for once because it's lonely at his place. You know. He's Heather's step-brother."

"Heather who? Kasuga? Ohhh," Abi says but does not let go. She continues shaking Cody's hand until it looked like he was having a seizure. He was about to fly off with the energy Abi was putting in the handshake. Cody was not complaining, though. I saw his hands were sweaty but he was completely smitten in my sister's curves.

Evan suddenly appears in the doorway. Evan and Abi look nothing like each other. For one, Evan's hair is a shade of dark raven black, where the rest of the family's is a dark brown. He's more introverted than Abi and always has his headphones on. For my older brother, he's not exactly the overprotective type, but growing up Evan was the best. He used to clean up the scrapes I got from falling over the concrete and made sure he was gentle. Evan is very gentle. 

"Abi, what are you doing?" he asked, pausing the music on his phone. He noticed Cody going blue and his eyes widened a bit.

"Nothing." Abi froze.

"Let go of the boy."

Cody is released with a shove and lands next to me on the couch. He sits down and his eyes are still fixated on Abi. "Holy crap," he says. "Holy crap."

"Let's just go upstairs," I say as Abi and Evan begin to bicker. "My room is on the third floor."

"Third. Floor. Third floor? Oh my gosh."

We start up the stairs. "You never told me your sister was so hot," Cody blurts out randomly. From somewhere around the house, someone snorts. "And your brother and y- Holy crap. Why is your family so hot?"

"That's...weird. People don't just say that sometimes," I reply. "But yeah, thanks for the compliment, I guess?"

My room is very cluttered, which means a lot considering it's huge. I only realize that when I open the door. There should be enough space, but the whole entire area is littered with books. Piles and piles of books. They're everywhere, but especially on my table and the light is still on from last night.

"That's a lot of books." Cody steps over one of them, but then turns around to pick it up. He holds it up to the light. "A Tale of Two Cities. Charles Dickens. Wow, you must love the classics. I can't get through one sentence in that book without hearing a word that I've never heard of."

"Shit, I never realized how messy my room was," I say hastily but quietly and pick up at least five textbooks. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a bookworm." 

"And study freak," Cody says as he leans over the table and looks at the textbook's thick and glossy pages left open from three nights ago.

"It's alright, I'll just pick up some of this mess on the floor and then I have to stud-"

"What do you mean you'll 'study'?" Cody says, outraged. "I'm literally at your house, which, by the way, is stunning, and you have all this shit you can do but you want to study?" He sighs and shakes his head. "You are no fun sometimes."

Studying for me is kind of a habit. I don't have anything else to do sometimes. When I do something I enjoy it only reminds me of how much I dislike myself and how I don't deserve to do something I like. 

It does kind of strike me when Cody calls me 'boring'. I guess you could say that, but I don't want to be boring. Nobody wants to be boring. 

"Fine," I say unhappily. "If you don't want to study because you're a horrible student then what should we do instead?"

"First off, I'm not a bad student, just dyslexic, second of all, you have a huge house, Noah." He whips out his phone and shows me the screen. His screen brightness is disgustingly bright that I have to squint, but then I make out the words and the pictures. "Is that my house on the real estate website?"

"Yes," Cody says with a bit of a pout. "And I see you have a movie theatre. And a garden with an angel fountain. So..." He grins his stupidly adorable gap smile. "House tour!"

"Jesus fucking Christ."


if you wanna know how it's like to walk into noah's house just listen to the intro of margaret by lana del rey feat. bleachers)

this was supposed to be a one chapter thing but then i stalked some mansions on mansion global and im ahhhhhh im so poor 

coming next: a gwourtney story + noco songfic (can you ever have too much noco) + some gwemma

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