scenario: First meeting

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A/n: hey guys, I'm back. Thank you so much for all of the reads. I did not think my book would get so far in such a short time. Lost of love.♡♡♡♡

William James Moriarty
(3rd pov:)
He was late. Again. William fell asleep while grading papers and Louis had trouble waking him this morning. Luna – another helper with the Moriarty plan – threw him with a bucket of cold water, bucket and all! Albert found the whole situation hilarious until he was chased off to work by the silver eyed woman.

William's forehead still ached from where the bucket hit him. He saw the university in the distance and thankfully the bell hasn't rung yet. The red eyed blond didn't see where he was going and ran into another person, making them both fall.

William opened his red eyes to (e/c) ones. "My apologies." William apologized standing up and helping the (e/c) eyed woman up. "No, I'm sorry. I should have looked where I was going." The woman apologized. She then checked the time on her pocket watch. "I have to go. I'll make it up to you when I get to see you again." The woman said frantically then dashed away, leaving the blond dumbfounded. William then remembered that he'll be late for work and continued to hurry to the university.

Albert James Moriarty
(3rd pov:)
A mission. It felt more like a wild goose chase to the emerald eyed man. His eyes scanned the dark ally, the only source of light was the moon above. He sighed and ran his hand through his brown hair. "Dammit." He cursed under his breath but then he heard rocks tumbling down from the roof and looked up. His green eyes met a cloaked figure. A smirk grew on his handsome face. "Found you." The male stated and ran to the end of the ally and jump up to the roof, using the narrow passage's walls as stepping stones. The cloaked figure turned tail and ran away and Albert followed them.

"You're going nowhere." Al said to the person in front of him and soon enough, Albert caught up to his target and pounced on them, pinning them to the roof. The smirk never leaving his eyes as his emerald eyes met (e/c) ones. "I finally caught you. (Y/n) (l/n)." He said and the woman hissed in frustration. "I'm not telling anyone anything." She hissed. "Oh my, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I'm not here for the nobles you betrayed. I'm here to recruit you." Albert replied, amused. "What?" (Y/n) asked, confused. "We want to make you part of our team but if you refuse, I have no other choice but to hand you over to Scotland Yard." The brunette continued to say. The (e/c) eyed woman stayed quiet then sighed. "Fine, I'll join. It's probably better than being locked up." She replied. "Splendid." Albert beamed and (y/n) sweatdropped. "Now, get off of me." She ordered.

Louis James Moriarty
(3rd pov:)
Market day. A day, once a week, Louis use to stack the kitchen with food. The youngest Moriarty brother visited all kinds of shops. The shop owners know him by now and always have some special offers to him. "Here you go, Louis, ripe apples. They were just delivered this morning." The elderly woman said and handed him a bag. "Thank you, Mrs Ishida. I will bake an apple pie and bring you a sample." The red eyed man replied. "Your too kind, thank you." She replied, her onix eyes filled with gratitude and wisdom. After that, Louis headed off to the bakery. The smell of baked treats filled the air and drawed customers to it. Louis was no exception, the blond was curious as to what was backed today.

When he opened the door, the little bell chimed and a woman with (e/c) eyes turned to him. "Welcome. How may I help you today?" She greeted him with a warm smile. Louis was surprised to see this woman, he never met her before. "(Y/n)!" Her name was called and she turned around to the kitchen's area. "Yes, pappa?" She asked but was greeted with silence. She then offered Louis a smile. The owner of the bakery, Wren (l/n), emerged from the kitchen with a tray of buns in hand. "(Y/n), there's another tray in the kitchen. Would you please go and fetch it?" The older man asked and the (h/c) haired woman nodded her head. "Will do." She said and disappeared to thd kitchen. Mr Wren's eyes met Louis. "Welcome Mr Moriarty. Would you like the same as last time?" The backer asked and Louis nodded his head. "Yes, please. My brothers enjoyed the bread from last time." Louis smiled and the older man. "I see you have a helper now. You were just complaining last week that you had no one to help you." Louis commented with a chuckle. The backer nodded his head. "Yes, my daughter returned from her trip overseas." Mr Wren said and Louis nodded his head. "I understand. Sometimes when my brothers are busy with their jobs I feel quite lonely." The red eyed man with glasses stated, an image of William at the university in Durham and Albert at the military, entered his mind and he sighed.

(Y/n) reappeared from the kitchen with the last trey. "Let me formerly introduce you two." Wren said. "Louis, this is my only daughter, (y/n) and (y/n), this is my regular customer, Louis Moriarty." The old man said. "Nice to meet you." (Y/n) said with a friendly smile. "Same to you." Louis replied.

Fred Porlock
(3rd pov:)
Fred was searching for something, more like someone. A girl named (y/n) (l/n) was being targeted by a group of bad people and William ordered him to watch her. The problem is, he never met her before. The onix eyed boy is going with a description of her. And the worst possible thing is, he can't find her. He went to her location, she's not tgere and now he's on the hunt for a (h/c) haired woman with (e/c) eyes that appears to be around his age.

Using every single source and string he could pull, Fred narrowed down her possible location. He had to give it to the girl, she was smart. Going into hiding but noting can escape Fred.

He found her in a small, remote village. She was working in a bookshop and Fred walked in. "Miss (y/n)." Fred said, catching the woman's attention. "My name is Fred Porlock and I was sent to watch you until it's safe for you to return home." He said and a storm brew within her (e/c) eyes but she remained calm. She gave him a forced smile. "Nice to meet you." She said in a forced friendly tone. She clearly did not want Fred to be there.

Sebastian Moran
(3rd pov:)
This guy has a reputation all around London. Every single bar knows his name. When a new one called the Red Rose, opened. Be sure to know Moran is likely the first one there.

The place was neat. A noble would be able to enjoy the place as well. Curiosity burned in Moran. Why name it after a flower? He sat in the bar, waiting for his drink. A waitress handed him his drink, a woman with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. "Hey!" Moran called her back. "Yes sir, is something I can be of assistance to?" She asked. "Yes. Why is this place called the Red Rose?" He asked and the woman smiled. "My father named it that because red roses were my mother's favorite flower." She replied. "I see. I'm sorry for your loss." Moran replied. The woman smiled and blinked away tears. "Yes, my mother was a strong woman, even in her last days. She fought the sickness but we were too late to save her." She said and Moran felt bad for her. "What is your name?" Moran asked to change the topic. "(Y/n)." She replied. "That's a beautiful name. I'm Moran." The black eyed man introduced himself. "Nice to meet you." She smiled and tended to other costumers.

Done! How was that? I apologize for the late update but school was busy. We started our mid-year exams and I want to cry but I'll get through the tests.

See ya in the next chapter


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