chapter TWO!

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'' We're about to be married, love

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'' We're about to be married, love. If I can't say the word fuck, then we're not off to a very good start, are we? ''



School was the last thing on his mind after the absolute bomb his mother had dropped on him two weeks ago. Engaged? No, not a chance in high heaven. He'd gladly admit Lestrange was easy on the eyes, but it was hard enough enduring her prattle on about wormroot in potions, let alone listen to her prattle on about silverware. 

James sat on the bed opposite, palm to his forehead as his eyebrows scrunched in deep thought. ''There's got to be a way to get you out of this. I mean- what about bachelorhood!'' Sirius scoffed, throwing his hands up in frustration. ''We can't two-man if I'm married can we!''

James let out a low wail and flopped down onto of his duvet. ''Well, have you told Peter, Rem?'' ''Yeah, this morning-''

''And what about Marls! She'll be devastated!'' James smirked. ''Sorry to interrupt last night.'' He shot Sirius a wink. ''Had to get my beauty sleep''. 

Sirius snorted. ''Beauty sleep.'' Though his smile quickly dissolved as his gaze landed on the thick parchment burning a hole on his desk. It had appeared just this morning, hot off the floo. His insides curled. Inside would be their first official wedding appointment. He shuddered. Probably something hideously boring like place card shopping, or heaven forbid; simpering flower arranging. 

''Is there anyway you can get out of this.'' James said. ''Anyway at all.'' He idly tossed a snitch up at the ceiling in thought. Sirius sighed and ran an exasperated hand through his hair. ''I can't pull out- my family sent the offer so we're bound by honour-''

James snorted. ''Honour? You can't use the word honour in the same sentence as child marriage!'' 

Sirius stared at the envelop. Perhaps if he glared at it enough, really put some effort into it, it would disappear and he'd never have to think of marriages, or Vita Lestrange, ever again. His eyes abruptly widened. He spun to face James, who shot up in tandem. ''Wait-'' they both began. Dual expressions of tentative excitement shone on both faces.

''If my family can't pull out of the arrangement-''

''But hers can-''

''We've just got to make it impossible for her to ever want to marry me!'' Sirius exclaimed. His eyes glittered with a wicked idea. James set down the snitch with a frown. ''Well we can't exactly make you ugly pads. Cursed Black genes-''

Sirius shook his head. ''No- no, what I mean is-'' he started towards the envelop and turned it over to reveal the richly embossed family crests of both house Lestrange and Black. ''This marriage is meant to be a beneficial union right?''

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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