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A lot of things had changed , I was scared of what might happen and might change and Scarlet took notice of this behavior, she confronted me about it and I told her everything. I was cornered with my own thoughts that I can't hold it in anymore, I told her, I told everything, from where I originally came from, how I came here, and explained why I ended up on the alleys that time, where my wounds came from, what I left back home, the worries I was thinking, I told her everything....

I was scared of how she'll react, but talking about that made my tears fell. My mind was running in miles and I won't be able to take it if the person I trust the most will judge me because of my origin. But, she just listened, then embraced me like there is no tomorrow, she never judged me...ever. After that, we became casually talking about that topic but not publicly ofc.

Besides that, our neighbors are friendly and even with my quiet exterior, and unresponsive persona they still greeted me with their smiles. This neighborhood is so precious that I swore to Ma to protect this place no matter what and she just laughed it off and saying to do what you want.

Another thing I found out is that ,the one and only Shinso Hitoshi lives in this neighborhood. Yup . Her mother is very nice, and when she found out Ma adopted me she gave a visit and gave me cupcakes! Shinso and I interacted  many times but always end quickly because we don't speak much. There are also kids in my age in this neighborhood, and some are nice to Shinso too but judgemental people never disappear, but I took care of it. Ma always encourage me to have friends my age, but I always preferred to stay indoors and Shinso will sometime visit and bring cupcakes, we also play games sometimes and do our studies together, I'm a bit advanced in my learning so he always came to me if he found some subjects hard to understand.

Aside from staying home all the time, Ma sometimes took me to her agency,in the hospital or make a visit in the orphanage . It was fun and nice to have experience about things, but I still avoid public places. It doesn't distrupt my senses anymore but because I just dont want to go outside. But there are also times where I go in a huge city to buy things, go to cafés,or in the arcade and win everything I found cute. I had a lot of time for my self Wich I enjoy, and I am going on to the arcade today and maybe buy some sweets and treats in my favorite bakery.

I woke up a bit earlier than usual,its 3;49 am, and my body clock is 4:30 am.  Im not sleepy anymore so I made a breakfast for Ma, 'cause I know she'll wake up soon and do some work, and I was right. After just as I was done cooking she came down from her room completely dressed for work, and she didn't complain making her breakfast. After she was done eating ,she said her goodbye's and got to work.

And I continued doing my morning routine, I jogged around the neighborhood then took a bath, got dressed, ate, then brushed my teeth. I wore Black hoodie with a fox logo printed on it, I also wore a white leather shorts and socks. It was Saturday so i don't have any tutors coming today.  6:57 am. I cleaned the house a little then continued reading a book. 8:30 am. I got bored, because I had nothing else to do but to think. To think about the future events, 2 years from now will be chaotic, then thought about training...training....trai- wait!! Midorya's training!! It was uhmm-in a beach or something...but what is the beach called again?...hnm..beach park...


Daboga..? No...oh!

Dagoba Municipal Beach Park!! That park is full of trash, and those trash can be useful to! I can train more of my Alchemist's Flame with those trash... Yosh! I got recycling to do!

I readied my self, put on my fox mask and got my phone,a bag, my tumbler,and also the credit card Ma gave to me. I searched the location of the said beach and it's not that far, I just gotta ride a train to get there. But before that, I'll get my self a treat. I stopped at a bakery and entered, I was greeted warmly like they usually do and I don't need to say anything because they knew what I am going to buy.

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