Episode 4 - Be careful, I bite

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Summary: in this episode the 4 hunters land in a town with bodies being taken, being found drained with blood. It is in this town they learn of a weapon, that legend has it, can KILL a demon. The siblings also find someone they've been looking for, for a long time...


Daniel suddenly burst through the door of his study, slamming it hard behind him. He wasted no time quickly pulling his bookcase using strength powdered by adrenaline, in front of the only barrier keeping him safe... for now. Suddenly, the door began to rattle, his nerves shooting through his entire body.

He hurried quickly to his desk, as he crouched into a squat, fumbling with the lock to his safe. When it finally clicked open he quickly pulled it out. A revolver. Laced with beautiful patterns along its long silver barrel. His hands shook as he flicked the cylinder, carefully loading the pointed silver bullets into slots. Suddenly, everything went quiet. Daniel froze, quickly snapping the cylinder back in place as he cocked the gun. He looked around anxiously, but before a thought could even pass through his prefrontal cortex, the ceiling shattered as two, almost human, creatures burst into the room. His eyes fell wide, "stop!" He shouted, but just as he went to lift the gun the creature shoved him, sending him flying across the room. "Argh!" He groaned out in pain. 

As he managed to fumble to his feet the two creatures grabbed him, pinning him down on his desk. His arm holding the gun held out to the side as the creature laughed, the other creature pushing hard against his head. Suddenly, the bookcase flung across the room, followed by the door as a woman appeared, a smirk spread across her face. 

"Well... Daniel Elkins." She said teasingly, her eyes piercing through his skin to admire the blood that bumped through his veins, "we've been looking for you, for a very... long... time." She chuckled, patronisingly. 

"They'll come for you." Daniel grunted as he tried to fight against the force of the other two creatures. 

The woman laughed, "oh Daniel, your threats mean nothing to us." She walked closer crouching down so Daniel could look at her, "okay boys..." she smirked as fear filled Daniel's body. "Dinner time." 

Daniel's eyes widened, "no- no... no!" He watched as a whole new row of the sharpest fangs emerged from the gums of the creatures as they all suddenly clamped down hard on his skin. Daniel screamed out in agony as the creatures drained the life out of him. The woman stood up as she laughed at her friends feeding on Daniel, her attention turning to the revolver in his hand that was slowly becoming loser from his grip as Daniel's heartbeat slowly came to a stop. She smiled, they did it


The moon shined brightly over a small town, somewhere in Nebraska, Kayleigh opened up the motel door as she chuckled loudly. 

Sam walked in directly behind her, "guys! It wasn't funny!" He said, annoyed. Dean followed by Lottie quickly entered as they both also cried with laughter. 

"Oh come on Sammy! It was a bit funny." Dean said with a smirk as he tried to calm down his giggles. 

"No." Sam said quickly taking off his jacket, "me putting a whoopie cushion on the drivers seat was funny." Sam chuckled at the memory of Dean sitting on a fart machine, but quickly his faced dropped as he turned to Kayleigh, "but you putting laxatives in my food... is literally poison!" Sam said very frustrated as he gripped his stomach that was slowly starting to calm down. 

Kayleigh laid across one of the beds as she smirked at Sam, "hey... just because I am the prank queen and have clearly won this prank war-"

"Ohhhh you did not win!" Sam cut Kayleigh off quickly, "now that we have established there is LITERALLY NO BAR..."

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