Chapter 3: Remembrance

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Chapter 3"Time for a new life." -Cyn

S flew through the air gleefully, L close behind. The two were scouting out any prey they could find. "So L! The Commander is coming tomorrow, what do you think about that?" L thought for a bit, then responded, "I think we're ok honestly. Is she joining the team?" S shook her head no, then stated, "Maybe we ought to cut her some slack, I mean she's most likely just here to check out how everything's going, then leave."

L smiled and rolled his eyes. "Probably not S, there's a whole lot more legal stuff that's gotta happen." S let out an intentionally audible groan. "Legal stuff is so boring!" L laughed to himself. S then pointed. "There! By the tower!" L flew to the ground, and his visor turned into an X, deploying claws alongside his already activated wings, with S following. L looked up at the scared worker, and chased after her.

The worker was awfully quick, blinking in and out of sight. L shook his head, was she teleporting? Probably not. S had ducked around the side and leaped out of the snow, in an effort to tackle the drone to ground. She failed, and missed, rolling in the snow while groaning. L flew off after the purple haired drone, and opened his wings and claws, wrapping them around her then squeezing tightly. "Agh!-" L stood still and his visor changed from that of an X to that of confusion.

"No..?" The purple haired worker looked at him desperately. "I-I just wanna see my family..I just wanna see my daughter." The worker choked some as L released her and suddenly fell over. Blipping in and out of vision, he saw S stab the fleeing worker with something, but not giving chase, before S quickly ran to assist L. "Hey, L, talk to me!" S shook him, while supporting his back and head, but then for L, everything went black.

. . .

L gazed into the window of the rainy night, using it as a mirror to adjust his hair, and then clean his horns. Where did even get those from? He shrugged it off as just a design. He turned around and adjusted his black tie. There was supposed to be a Gala tonight. L smirked as he jumped off the top floor and landed on the ground below softly, leaving no cracks or blemishes.

"Woaaa!" S stood in awe as L readjusted his suit and began to walk off. S quickly yelled after him, "Wait L!" He turned around, and responded, "Yes?" S smiled, "Teach me!" she pleaded. L thought for a moment, then replied, "Maybe tomorrow. Can't risk breaking anything or slacking off today." L then walked off to gather some cups and passed by a room bright with yellow.

L peeked in and saw Cyn managing the main computer. Cyn was the engineer so she certainly knew what she was doing. L continued down the hallway before hearing a yell from Cyn then silence.

L backtracked to the hallway and peeked in to see Cyn still, laying slumped on the ground, before standing unnaturally. "Oh, hi, L." Cyn turned her head around almost 180 degrees. "Smile" Cyn said, her hand went into the shape of a triangle. "Watch this." She threw L out of the room as she uploaded something to the main computer of the drones, before suddenly L went still and he couldn't see anything.

. . .

L gasped and choked, he fell against a cold wall, and looked upwards. "Where...what..." L suddenly remembered what had happened and stood up. He used his eyes to shine light, and squinted, looking around. He seemed to be in a small room in the basement. Perhaps a spare wine cellar, L wondered. L glanced around, seeing no one else there, then opened the bunker door, moving the carpet aside.

L blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. It seemed as if he was in the library. "And golden retrievers have gentle mouths! Aww that's why they're so good with kids..!" L glanced over through the shelves, and walked around them, seeing N. "Hey N?" L asked, leaning on the shelf. "Oh hey L! Wanna join V and I? We're reading about puppies!"

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