Chapter 5: Infections, Honor, Mechanical Animals

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"Don't worry, we can't die." Serial Designation: S

It's as if time stopped, minus the howling of the snow ridden planet outside the cave. L was thinking, but it was C's reaction which was the most frightening. Never once had the murderous, brutal, and relentless C had looked so frightened. L stared at C, and C looked up. "Absolute..Solver, you're sure?" C finally asked after a long pause. S nodded.

L stood up and shrugged, "You don't feel any different do you though, right?", he asked. S shook her head no and C gestured him over. As S got up to follow, C shook her head, and brought L to K.

"General, we have a situation." C said, her voice cracking slightly as she nervously looked to the side. K looked up as she put a few photos of Reflex down, and tilted her head. "Go on," the general demanded.

"We may have an infected disassembler." C looked back slightly as K stood abruptly. "Explain this now C!" K barked. L stepped forward. "Relax K, I'm sure we have nothing to worry about. She said she didn't feel any different." K threw a piece of metal to the ground, then looked up and glared at C.

"Fine, I'll take your word for it, but for now? We need to pursue Alyssa, clear?" K commanded, and C nodded silently as L and S got prepared. "Lieutenant!" K said, and L looked up at her. K ordered, holstering her laser gun, "Take us to the colony she was at." L saluted and flew into the air, followed by the others.

"L, S. You two find where she's going. K and I are headed someplace else for now." C stated. S nodded and tackled L to the ground, as C and K broke off. L's eyes widened as he fought for control, and S laughed the whole time, both crashing into the snow on the ground.

"I told you to quit doing that, S!" L said, angry. S stuck her tongue out and L looked away and his screen displayed some blush. The two then shifted their focus to the darkened facility. "Ready, L?" S asked and L nodded. L then walked forward, S trailing close behind.

As L reached the front door, he used the uploaded master key on the data pad. Nothing. "Huh?" S tilted her head, confused. L sighed, "Facility has lost power, since the combined massacre of Alyssa and I has left little to no one, there's no one to maintain the generator." L explained.

S smirked smugly. "Watch this." She said and inserted her blade into a small crevice, and began to wedge it open. L helped push the door up and held it for the both of them, as they walked in. "If I had to guess, all the info should be in Alyssa's room." L continued, "However we'll need to turn the power on, as most likely than not, that info will be on a computer of some sort."

S acknowledged him with a small two finger salute, and she hopped into the ventilation. "I'll go search for her room!" S said confidently. L acknowledged her back with a finger gesture where only his pinky and thumb were out, the rest of the hand closed. L turned on his light and began his trek through the facility in an effort to find the generator.

Eventually finding it, he noticed other workers in the generator room. The workers cried and pleaded for mercy. L placed a hand on his katana, ready to kill. But something stopped him. He ignored them and simply opened the generator shaft. The workers watched in silence as L rewired the generator and gave it a bit of nanite acid to start it again.

He then nodded to the workers and walked off. "S, I got the generator up, found her room yet?" L said over his intercom. All he was met with was a lot of metal clanging and groaning. Then suddenly S fell through the ceiling in front of him. Lifting her head, S remarked, "Apparently activating the generator begins a thorough wash of the vents," she then collapsed, and L chuckled to himself softly.

. . .

"Alright here's her room" S said as she gestured to a door. L got on one knee and attempted to use the master key on the data pad. "Oh, you smart son of a...S, the master key resets whenever the generator restarts." L then began to attempt to pick the lock. "I have a solution!" S yelled, and then began a war cry. L looked back to see S charging down the hallway with a metal beam aimed at the door. "Are you crazy S?!" L yelled as he got trampled.

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