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(Well coz it's one of my ultimate ships.)

Third person POV:

patter, patter. [The sounds of a horse neighing can be heard in the background as it runs.]

The wind was cold and chilly as it brushed past heeseung's face, the coolness of the breeze bringing his wrath a little down. Heeseung pulls the reins and tightens his knees and thighs around the saddle and his horse stops. He jumps down ,and comes forward to caress his best friend's face.

"I really give you a hard time when I'm angry, isn't it buddy?" he asks, apologetic to his companion, who'd be nothing but a support system for him whenever he would have a melt down. Heeseung had his horse - Ray since he's been 14 and since then, Ray has been by his side. He's the best friend he could've asked for. He really adores Ray and can't help but feel bad that his best friend is usually at the receiving end ,specially whenever he's angry.

Heeseung is the crown prince of Daegu, and he's 21 already. This being the concern of his parents who want him to ascend the thrown of the kingdom. This is honestly what Heeseung has been dreaming of ever since he's gained consciousness - to ascend the thrown, work for his kingdom and serve his people just following the footsteps of his dad but there's a problem. His father, being the opportunist he is, bound his beloved son under a life changing condition - marriage.

Heeseung is bound to become the King of Daegu, but he cannot understand why his parents are forcing him to get married before ascending the throne. As the day of his anointment comes closer, he could feel how his parents were basically crushing him under the pressure of getting married, even if it was some commoner - they didn't care. They just wanted him to get married and this was starting to get on his nerves. Even today, when his father brought this topic the first thing in the morning , he couldn't help his temper and practically fled the dining area, to the stable - to find Ray - because managing his temper without being with Ray would be a really difficult task for him. He again looks at his mate - tied to the tree nearby, already busy munching the lush greens around him, without a care in the world. He pats Ray and feels him grumble , his feet stomping before he turns another way , too busy filling up his tummy after being deprived of his yummy breakfast at the palace stable. Heeseung giggles - he himself didn't eat , and even dragged Ray away from his breakfast. Oh only if Ray could talk - he'd nag the crap out of Heeseung. But well , heeseung's lucky in this.

Now that ray was already busy and heeseung's not mad at anything in particular anymore, he takes into account his surroundings. The tall trees, almost forming a canopy , just letting the right amount of sunlight for the little buds around them to bloom merrily, the birds and the insects humming and buzzing in harmony as if under the influence of something magical - it was almost mystical. Heeseung takes a seat beneath the tree Ray was tied to, his shoulders slumped almost a little too relaxed and he basks into the homey ambiance of the forest - falling asleep.

"La la la(I'm sorry, I couldn't think of a song to suit the prince(y) vibe lol) ~~" Heeseung is woken up by the sound of someone singing. It's melodic, a little too melodic to even distinguish if it's a male or a female - but it has him charmed. Wait- isn't he in the middle of a forest ? Who's singing in the middle of the jungle? he glances over at Ray , who's busy dozing off - well like master ,like pet.

Heeseung is curious, he could have just woken up Ray and fled - what if it was something he wasn't supposed to discover but his curiosity get's the best of him. He get's up ,fully awake now, and starts advancing in the direction of the melody. As he nears the voice , he can now hear clearly and loudly the water flowing. It's not like a river but maybe a little stream - he concludes. And not soon after, with really swift and quiet steps, he's just in place - from where he'd go unnoticed from whoever was the owner of such soothing voice , but he'd have a full view of them. He almost wanted to chicken out , what if they were taking a bath - that would be invading their privacy, but as stated - curious being that he is, he slowly lifts the only leaf, just for a view, camouflaging his rest of the body from them to look at what has piqued his interest. And to say , he wasn't disappointed by what he saw.

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