Chapter 2: Lost Wallet

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A sense of worry washed over me. Where was dad's wallet? Dad didn't seem very concerned and he said he would check once we got home.

I glanced at Sofia as we walked in dead silence. She was looking at the ground, red eyed and ashamed. I think it was because nobody was taking her seriously.

Thomas was laughing boisterously with mirth at his own joke. It was the same routine every time and it was getting on my nerves.

Sofia wasn't even on her phone. That was weird.

The raindrops pattered down onto my face as I walked and my drenched clothes stuck to my skin.

Every few minutes, I observed Sofia's face. Nothing was different about it except the fact that her smudged mascara made her look like a giant panda from China.

Suddenly, I realized that she was sobbing! That was the most peculiar thing about her.

The only time I saw her crying was when she couldn't buy a £25 lipstick because it was out of stock or when she misplaced her phone and she cried loudly for hours on end until dad found it. It was in Sofia's  makeup box.

"Sofia, please don't cry, I'm gonna be here for you. I'm sorry I said that you had a sloth mouth, I didn't mean it" I whispered.

I didn't want Thomas or my parents to know because they usually make it worse so I kept quiet.

"Are you hungry?" Sofia suddenly mumbled. I shrugged my damp shoulders uselessly. Being the older one, I always agreed and did what Sofia  wanted to do.

She slid off and returned, with a bag of gummy bears. I reluctantly took one and enjoyed the slimy, chewy texture.

Suddenly, dad stopped and made Thomas bump into him. " Ouch! Watch where you're going, dad!" Thomas said.

Dad said nothing, but put his finger to his lips. Sofia stopped crying and slowly moved towards me in panic.

" Don't worry sis, I'm here for you, ok?" I whispered. She nodded, but I could tell she was still anxious.

I was not sure myself and I huddled up to Sofia, even though I was the oldest kid here.

The bushes rustled and everyone stopped dead in their tracks. I stopped chewing my apple gummy bear and held on tight to Sofia's arm.

"We gotta go, guys," whispered Thomas. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and we all crouched down.

All of a sudden, a creature jumped out of a bush. It was only a squirrel! Everyone sighed in relief and carried on. "I knew it was only a squirrel," Thomas bluffed.

Half an hour later, we were at the edge of the forest. I handed Sofia the last gummy and then I threw the packet in the litter bin outside.

Sofia was now back on her phone.

I thought nature would do her some good, but now she's back on her phone.

" I did enjoy nature," Sofia demanded, as if she had read my mind, which was so annoying.

I sighed loudly and nodded my head. See? I always agree with her so she doesn't get angry.

I don't understand why Sofia is acting like this today. She's usually happy to be around me.

Suddenly, the idea of the lost wallet came back to me. What if Sofia was right? Was dad's wallet really missing?

But nobody believed her so should I? I mean, I don't want to offend her but when did Sofia start to care about things other than her phone or makeup?

Soon we arrived at home. I retreated up the stairs and to my bedroom. Then, I grabbed my diary and started to write.

Dear diary,

Today was the weirdest day ever. First, Sofia was in a bad mood but then was happy, but now moody again...

I could hear Sofia stomping up the stairs so I hurriedly shut my diary up and stuffed it back in my drawer, just as Sofia walked through the door. " Scarlett, I'm sorry about what happened earlier in the forest and I would like to apologize to you now.

After she had gone, I wrote,

...and now happy.

What was wrong with her today? I had no idea why she kept changing moods,  she isn't usually like that.

She's usually in a bad mood because she keeps watching the screen of her phone for over one hour.

I sighed and laid back on my bed calmly. Maybe Sofia is just tired and needs a lay down. I hope she will be back to normal tomorrow.

I heard Sofia trying effortlessly to remove her smudged mascara using at least fifteen wet tissues and makeup removers.

She spends about an hour putting it on and now spends about half an hour removing it! Sofia sometimes is unbelievable.

I gently tiptoed towards the bathroom, not making a sound as I pass me and Sofia's room. The thing is, every time she's in a bad mood and I make a noise, she'll blame me for being 'too noisy'.

I turn the shower on and start shampooing my hair while deep in thought. Sofia's moans and groans nearly covered up the noise of the water. She sounded like a zombie.

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