Chapter 12: Spark of Hope

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I was really missing Sofia now that she was gone. I hope that she was alright. It has been a day already and Sofia hasn't replied to my message. I was really worried.

    All of a sudden, mother came charging up into my bedroom, claiming that a tourist had seen a girl like Sofia yet again.

"Scarlett! Guess what? A girl with the same hair as Sofia has been sighted again. She appeared to be writing something on a notepad next to a wooden hut with a loaf of bread on the doorstep,"mother shouted happily.

Inside me, I sighed with relief on the inside but decided not to show it. Instead, I asked for the tourist's phone number and pulled my phone out.

Maybe he can give me some information.

I dialed the number and put the phone to my ear.


A voice answered. I hesitated before answering.

"This is Scarlett Jones speaking, sister of Sofia Jones," I replied.

"Hello Miss Jones, I am Mason Edwards and I am a tourist," Mason said.

I hope he will give me some information about the girl that she saw!

" Please Mr Edwards, can you give me a description of the girl you saw while exploring the forest?" I asked.

" Well, her hair was kind of a blondish color, she was wearing a black jumper, a wooly hat, jeans..." Mason replied.

That sounds just like Sofia!

I thought for a while, trying to fit all the information in while trying to listen to Mason.

"Thanks a lot, Mr Edwards, I have to go, bye!" I said as soon as he paused to take a breath.

What a talkative man! Probably spending the day talking people to sleep!

I felt afraid. What if Sofia used all of the batteries on her phone?

Know-it-all: Of course not. She's not that silly!

Me: think about it, on how many days have you seen her trying not to use her phone at all?

Know-it-all: I suppose you have a point.

I marched downstairs and switched on the news. Unexpectedly, a photo of Sofia and Amanda.

I leaned closer, suddenly very interested. "...these two girls lost their way while searching for something in the woods. Their names are Sofia Jones and Amanda Smith. According to Mrs Jones, Sofia was looking for her father's lost wallet..."

Then, it showed my mother, looking very worried on the screen.

What? Mother was interviewed and never told me? That's why she was out of the house so much.

I switched it off, breathing heavily. I stood up and walked briskly towards the stairs.

Know-it-all: are you just going to sit and do nothing while your sister is lost in the woods?

Me: you heard that sofia had found a hut and was writing something, so the person inside could have let her in.

Know-it-all: what if the person is not nice? You never know.

Me: I saw the letter Amanda wrote and I'm sure that Amanda is the one in that little hut I passed on our way back from the picnic we had.

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