Chapter 4: Scream for Help

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I opened my eyes as I heard Sofia go downstairs to do something. I looked at my alarm clock on my bedside table. 3:25am?! What was Sofia thinking?

Maybe she is thirsty and needs to get a cold drink. After all, all that groaning kept me awake till' ten o'clock! Although, she could have already been out before then.

Three hours later

I tried so hard to pull my eyelids up. I blindly reached for my alarm clock, groping to turn it off.

Suddenly, something caught my sleepy eyes that made me wide awake. Sofia's bed was empty.

Since when did Sofia stop waking up just before noon, in time for lunch? She's always too tired from her phone.

Panic flashed across my face as it dawned on me that Sofia was not in the house, nor the garden.

Don't panic, Scarlett! All I have to do is creep downstairs and take a breath of fresh air, then I can tell someone.

I quietly pulled on my warm dressing gown and slipped on my slippers. I crept past the bedroom door. I was safe.

I shivered as my hand touched the coldness of the banister as I slowly descended the steps.

Know-it-all: if you go and tell your parents now, the problem will be sorted sooner.

Me: Why? It'll probably take a whole month. I'm just gonna go into the garden 'till everyone wakes up.

I shut the voice away, leaving me considering whether I should report about the problem now or later.

The thought was stuck in my brain until I was outside in the beautiful garden, in time for the sunrise!

It always takes 24 hours of persuasion to get Sofia out into the garden for sunrise. By the time she's out, it's nightfall!

I walk towards the door, itching to go and report about Sofia's absence in the house.

Know-it-all: Don't you dare! Calm yourself down first, then you will not run into the house like a lunatic.

Me: Alright, alright! I'll do as you say but I feel so worried about Sofia, what if she's kidnapped or lost?

Know-it-all: I know it's depressing but she's just too interested in her phone so now she'll have time to enjoy the nature.

I ignored what my inner voice was saying and did the best I could to think about anything but.

I didn't understand. I don't think that Sofia actually wanted to go out so she might have been kidnapped.

Don't think about that, Scarlett, Sofia is probably trying to make a new start to her day by having a walk in nature, and she probably left ages ago.

I glanced at my watch and it was already 7:55am!

'Time flies by like wind,' as mother would describe it, but why? I'm not having much fun right now.

I hurriedly tiptoed back into the house and I decided to have a lay down and then tell my parents.

I sighed as I reached my bedroom and I collapsed onto my bed though that is what Sofia would have done if she was depressed and annoyed.

" Scarlett, Scarlett! Help!" Screamed Thomas, as he rushed into my room and onto the carpet.

" Why do you need help? " I asked.

" I had such a bad nightm- " Thomas cut off as he saw Sofia's empty bed.

I had to get my earmuffs out when Thomas screamed. I tried to talk as my parents rushed to the scene.

"What have you done to Thomas, Scarlett? And where is Sofia?!" Mother shouted over Thomas's wailing.

Since when did mother start accusing me for everything that I haven't done at all?

" I promise, I don't know where Sofia is and I have not done anything to Thomas!" I pleaded. Mother shook her head and went to calm Thomas down.

Mother's always on the younger kid's side.

I sigh as father walks over to Thomas' side as well.

Know-it-all: don't worry Scarlett, your parents aren't being mean to you, it is actually really worrying for them.

Me: Well they always take Thomas and Sofia's side.

Know-it-all: Stop, okay? Listen. You are the oldest child and always will be. You should understand how your parents feel and why they are acting like this.

I take a deep breath and slowly walk out of the room and downstairs. "Scarlett, can you please dial the police!" Shouted mother shouted worriedly from upstairs.

I clambered to get to the house telephone and waited for an answer. " Hi, emergency service here. Would you like a fire engine, ambulance or police ? " a woman said.

" Police please," I answered. The phone crackled as the woman passed it to the police.

" Hello, my name is Sergeant John. How can I help you?" Said a deep, gruff voice.

"Can I please report a missing girl?" I asked. " Who is she then?" Sergeant John asked.

" My sister."

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