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i walked home quickly as i was already late back after the incident with bell and carter. when i walked through the front door dad was already there waiting for me "what do you think your playing at n all!" i was trying to act clueless "what do you mean?" dad was staring me down at this point and was getting angrier by the second. "skipping lesson!" "i wasn't skipping i was going to the toilet when i saw Jordan so i went to see what was going on" my anxiety was rising by the second and i could feel my heart starting to race and my palms starting to sweat. "DONT LIE TO ME SHANNON" he started walking quickly towards me from the door way of the kitchen and i tried to take a step back but i was already stood right against the front door so i just crashed into it. he grabbed me by the collar and dragged me into the living room and threw me to the floor, i looked around to try and find Jordan or Cory to help but all i saw was beer cans everywhere, they must be at the top of the stairs listening in just in case dad got carried away again like he did most times. he started booting me in the side and as the pain started to intensify i started to block everything out and i couldn't feel anything anymore. i learned this trick one of the very first times this happened. after a few minutes the kicking stopped and Cory and Jordan came running down the stairs to check if i was okay. i always got it the worst because i reminded him the most of Mom and this started when she left. it never happened to Cory because in dads eyes he was the golden child and could do no wrong. Jordan got along of stick for things but never really got beat as bad as i did. they started asking me if i was okay but i couldn't say anything, it hurt just to breathe. i couldn't stay there any longer so i used all the strength i had and ran out the house. 

i was sat on a park bench with a bottle of vodka and a few spliffs in my bag with my bike next to me. it was already dark so i decided to go and sit on the climbing frame. i pulled the bottle of vodka out my bag and took a long swig. i also pulled out one of the spliffs and grabbed the lighter out my pocket. there was no one out as it was about 1 am so i didn't need to worry about getting caught. after i smoked the whole thing i carried on drinking until it started it got light outside. i was too drunk and i tried to climb down the climbing frame, as i out my leg down i slipped off so i fell flat on the floor. "im glad no ones out to see that" i clambered off the floor and grabbed my stuff and stumbled to a bench at the back of the park. i lay down with my bag posing as a pillow.

 i woke up to the sun either rising or setting. i check my phone and realised i had missed the whole day of school and had multiple missed calls off Cory,Jordan and Dad. i didn't care about that though, i was just worried about how angry dad would be. i didn't want to go back home so i just went on my phone for a bit until it died. i went to a park on the other side of town so i took a slow ride back home, i got about 1/4 of the way home when a car pulled up beside me. i went to ride away faster but then Cory jumped out and ran towards me. he hugged me straight away and almost knocked me off my bike. i looked back and saw Jordan, Mr Bell and Mrs Carter also getting out the car. "are you okay?" "I'm so sorry Shannon" "does it still hurt" Cory was bombarding me with questions while Jordan just stood there looking at me. he was never the best with showing his love to people. i was starting to get overwhelmed with how much cory was all over me so i just slightly pushed him away, he gave me a worried look as i started to breathe heavier, he grabbed hold of my hands and tried to guide me through it but nothing was working and i started to think about how dad would react and it was getting worse. Mr bell came running over to try and help and because he was trained in first aid he knew exactly what to do. he tried a few different methods until i finally calmed down. i got in the car with the rest of them but we didnt go to drive off and i looked around at all 4 of them with a confused look. "whats going on?" i asked while plugging my seat belt in. "we had to tell them Shannon." i realised what cory was on about and i just looked down as i felt embarrassed that they knew happened. Mrs carter decided to break the awkward silence "i know this is alot for you shannon but we need to sort something out so for now you guys will be staying with us for the time being" i was grateful for that but i just gave her an appreciative nod. "whats gonna happen to dad?" no one responded but they all just gave me a sad look. i just put my headphones in and looked out the window until we pulled up to a nice looking house

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