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i was walking down the road to the park i was at last time. i didnt tell anyone where i was going. i knew they would check here first but that wouldnt be for a couple of hours so i could chill here for abit until it got late.

it was now 10pm and i had asked a random bloke outside a shop to get me some vodka and gave him the money. i was sat next to a little pond that was decently close to the house but i dont think anybody would look here for me. i had drunk half the bottle of vodka now when i was starting to feel it bad but i knew i could handle more so i kept on drinking. my phone kept ringing, jordan, cory and 2 unknown numbers which i gathered were mandy and steve. i ignored them every time, i didnt want to go back yet. 

i had drunk the whole bottle now and i was off my head drunk. my phone rung once again and it was the unknown number, i decided to pick it up as i had nothing better to do. 

"shannon are you okay?" mandys voice rung through the phone, sounding funny, i barely understood her but that was because i was black out drunk. "im okay" i slurred. "where are you, we are going to come and get you okay?" "um next to AH lake" im not even sure if that was words but i almost fell over in the middle of the sentence. "okay good girl we will be there in 10 minutes" the phone hung up and i decided i had somtime till they found what part i was at. i pulled the razor out my bag and drunkly cut 2 lines in my left wrist, which i now realised was a big mistake. they were deep, too deep, they started pouring blood, i was already feeling light headed and that made me feel even worse. i layed down on the ground. a couple minutes later i felt someone grab my hand, i heard the echo of someone shouting beside me. 

mr bells pov:

we were searching all around the lake when i heard jordan shout for us. i ran like the wind to were his voice came from. i halted in my track when i saw the scene in front of me, everyone got there before i did because i was the furthest away. all 3 of them were surrounding shannon laying on the floor with 2 very deep cuts in her wrist, she was unconscious im guessing from blood loss. mandy was on the phone to 999, i sprung into action and took my jacket off, i wrapped it hard around her wrists and was trying to wake her up. she stirred slightly but wasnt awake fully, she tried to speak but no words were forming, just noises. she fell back into unconsciousness but all we could do was try to stop the breathing and wait for the ambulance to get here. i heard them in the distance, i was holding shannons had and she very lightly tried to squeeze my hand. the ambulance pulled up and we all had to move out the way. cory got in the ambulance while me mandy and jordan drove there. mandy was driving because i dont think i would be able to right now. 

we arrived at the hospital about 20 minutes ago, cory was pacing back and forth while me and mandy were sat down, i felt mandys hand brush against mine but i pulled it away when i realised shannons blood was still all over me. i didnt waste any time in going to the bathroom to clean it off. i stood there looking in the mirror and i just broke down. i loved this girl like she was my own and i didnt know why. i had cleaned off the blood and was leaning against the wall when i heard a knock on the door, i opened it to find mandy stood there with a sad smile. "we can go and see her now, i didnt want you to come out and we were gone so i waiting but its been 10 minutes, i was coming to check your alright." 10 minutes! i didnt think it had been that long. "yeah im okay" she had pulled me into a hug by this point. "steve i know she isnt our child, but i can tell you love her like she is, and thats okay, but right now you need to be strong for all 3 of them" "i know" i replied. she grabbed my hand and took me to shannons room, she was still unconscious but she had been cleaned up and stitched up. they said she was going to be absolutely fine but she might still be drunk when she wakes up due to the amount she had drunk. 

shannons pov:

i had the worst headache ever, i tried to open my eyes but it was too bright, so i tried to pull my hand over my face but it sent a shooting pain through my body. i let out a grown in response to the immense pain. someone was holding my hand but i didnt know who and i had no memory of what had happened. "are you okay? do you need anything?" i couldnt saying anything but "lights, down" very quickly the lights started to dim till it was dark enough i could open my eyes. i slowly but but surely opened my eyes and looked around, cory and jordan were holding both my hand while mandy and steve were sat at either side of the bed and the bottom. "whats going on?" they all looked at each other apart from jordan who was looking at the ground with his nail in his mouth again "stop doing that jordan, what have i told you." he looked up and smiled a small smile. "alright, im sorry" " is anyone gonna answer my question?" cory piped up "you got drunk by the lake and um, you cut your wrist really badly." he was crying now but tried to hide it. everything was coming back to me. "i didnt do it on purpose." a look of relief washed over everyones faces "i was too drunk to realises how deep i was going. im really sorry" i couldnt look anyone in the eyes because i was scared of how they were going to react. i had a flashback to when dad found out about my sh, he went mental and beat the shit out of me again. i thought it was going to happen again but instead i felt a reassuring hand squeezing mine. 

we were back from the hospital but i was too weak to walk so cory carried me inside and layed me on the sofa. it was a couple of hours later and i had regained some of my strength. "what do you guys what for dinner, and i am not cooking so pick a takeaway" mandy asked everyone in the house. the thought of food made me nauseous "im not that hungry, i think im going to go to bed" everyone gave me a worried look "Are you sure, you dont have to eat alot just a little bit to help you recover" "yeah, im too tired to eat, im sorry. goodnight everyone" i slowly made my way upstairs and collapsed on my bed and fell straight to sleep.    

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