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i woke up to my alarm AGAIN blaring in my ears. a couple days had past since the incident and it was now monday, im have to go to school today but i was really not in the mood to socialise. i was getting ready for school when i heard jordan and cory shouting at each other. arguing about who gets to use the shower first, i walked out a grabbed jordan by the collar and dragged him into my room. "use my shower jeez" "you have a shower!" "yeah i thought you knew" "i thought it was a wardrobe" i gave him a wtf look and pointed towards the wardrobe. he just laughed and walked into the shower. 

we were in the car on the way to school and i had my headphones in. we got there early so i went and sat in the toilets with my vape to kill some time, when i started hearing more people i went outside till i saw missy walking up. "omg babe where have you been i havent seen you in ages" "its been like 2 days missy, also i was ill" we walked into form together and i sat closer to the window this time and was listening to music while staring out of it. what i didnt see was mr bell come in, he was sat looking at me with a worried look. "she will be okay sir" jordan told him. form flew by and now i was in history. the teachers all knew the reason of my absence and why me jordan and cory might be a bit off. i was sat with missy just talking when the teacher asked us all to be quiet but no one listened. "shannon be quiet please!" i wasnt the only one talking "what about everyone else, im not the only one" "no wonder your dad was horrible if he had to put up with you everyday" "ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SLAP!" "shannon chill out your gonna be in iso if not" "no i wont chill out, you wanna insult my family do you? well lets see about yours, 3 husbands left you already, cant wait for the day you come in here and tell us number 4 has left you too, and god help your kids, if they follow in your foot steps, i will pray for them every night because god knows how they are gonna make it through life." i went to leave but she grabbed my arm so i pushed her off and she fell over a chair, i didnt care in that moment so i just left, i knew i wouldnt get in trouble because she touched me first. i went back to the bathroom and was vaping. 10 minutes later i heard mandy calling for me. i went out and she gave me a quick hug asking if i was okay. she told me to follow her and we went to isolation. she told everyone who was in there to go back to lesson and tell their teachers she told them to go. mr bell was on duty so he stayed. once everyone left mandy and steve came and sat either side of me. "want happened shannon, she said you pushed her over for no reason and that you insulted her, her husbands and her kids." i told them the full story and they gave a look like they didnt believe me, "ask everyone who was in there she tried to grab her, so i pushed her away and the chair just happened to be there." "we will, we will need to get statements off everyone but we will do that in a minute. we need to talk to you about something." my heart sank. "your dad has got the help he needed and they deemed him fit to return home with you guys" oh god, i didnt want to go home. i liked it living with mandy and steve. "but the thing is, he has allowed jordan and cory to go back, but he refuses to have you in his care again." whats going to happen to me, steve and mandy wont want me at their house anymore, im too much work. "they will be going back tonight but we will have to put you in a care facility until we can sort something permanent out." i didnt even know what to say. 

the rest of the day went by slowly but i had to stay in iso. we eventually went home, everyone in the car ride was silent because we all knew what was about to happen. i didnt need to go back home obviously but they dropped cory and jordan off first. then they took me to a sad little place. i didnt say anything as we went in. mandy stayed in the car while steve took me in. they took me to my room after signing me in. it was better then my room with dad but not nearly as good as at mandy and steve's. the put some of my stuff on my bed, "ill have to check out Jacuzzi, if its not too full" after having a quick chat, mandy left, and i was left alone once again. i decided id explore around, i saw no other people here apart from a younger girl and boy called izzy and charlie. they were about 8 and 10. i had a nice conversation and they told me that their parents went to heaven in a car accident and that they were here while they looked for other family to take them, they had been here for about 3 weeks, i felt bad for them. i carried on looking around after that and decided i didnt want to stay here. i grabbed my most important things and left. i ended up sleeping on a bench that night. i went to school and didnt talk to anyone the whole day. mr bell pulled me aside as i went to leave at the end of the day. he took me to mandys office and i sat down opposite her. "how was last night?" "fine" all of us just sat there in silence "can i go" she just nodded at me and i left. i decided in that moment i didnt want to go to school anymore so i wont be. i went back to the shit hole i called home from now on. i was 17 now so i could live by myself. i decided to get a job and move into my own place. 

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