Chapter 5

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Y/n sat in his room, flipping through the channels on his TV, trying to find anything interesting to watch. As he scrolled past the news, something caught his eye and he paused.

Newscaster: "Breaking news, a massive explosion has rocked the downtown area, causing widespread damage and injuries. Authorities are still investigating the cause of the blast, but witnesses report seeing a group of individuals with superpowers at the scene."

Y/n's heart raced as he turned up the volume, listening intently to the newscaster's report.

Newscaster: "This is just the latest in a string of incidents involving superpowered individuals in the city. Many are calling for increased regulation and oversight of these so-called 'heroes', while others argue that they are a necessary force for good in a world that is becoming increasingly dangerous."

Y/n's mind raced as he thought about the implications of the news report. He knew that there were many people out there who were afraid of superheroes and the destruction they could cause, but he also knew that there were just as many people who relied on them for protection.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed with a message from Mark.

Mark: "Hey, did you see the news? They're saying it was a supervillain attack downtown."

Y/n quickly responded, his fingers flying across the screen.

Y/n: "Yeah, I just saw it. Do you think we should go down there and help?"

Mark: "I don't know, man. We're still new at this and I don't want to make things worse."

Y/n hesitated for a moment, weighing the risks and benefits of getting involved.

Y/n: "I get that, but people are hurt and they need our help. We can't just sit here and do nothing."

Mark: "You're right. Let's suit up and head down there. But we need to be careful and stay out of the way of the authorities."

Y/n felt a surge of adrenaline as he quickly changed into his costume and grabbed his gear. He knew that this was a risky move, but he also knew that it was the right thing to do.

As he and Mark flew towards the downtown area, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and purpose. This was what he had been training for, what he had been born to do. And he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Mark stands awkwardly in the doorway, holding a bouquet of flowers. Amber crosses her arms and leans against the wall, looking unimpressed.

MARK: Hey, Amber. I'm really sorry I'm late.

AMBER: Dinner was two hours ago, Mark.

MARK: I know, I know. Things have just been...complicated lately.

AMBER: (sighs) Look, Mark. I like you. I really do. But I can't keep doing this.

MARK: Doing what?

AMBER: This whole "secretive boyfriend" thing. You're never around, and when you are, you're distracted. I can't compete with whatever it is you're hiding.

MARK: It's not like that, Amber. You're important to me.

AMBER: (rolls her eyes) You say that, but your actions don't show it. I can't keep waiting around for you to show up.

MARK: (frustrated) I said I was sorry, okay? What more do you want from me?

AMBER: (pauses) I want you to be honest with me. To tell me what's going on. To let me in.

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