Chapter 6

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The doors of the ER burst open as paramedics rush in with stretchers carrying the injured Guardians of the Globe. Y/n is among them, clutching his side in pain.

Y/N: (grimacing) Just set me down over there. I'll be fine.

MEDIC: Sir, we need to check you out. You're injured.

Y/N: (insistent) I said I'm fine. Go help the others.

The medic hesitates for a moment before nodding and moving on to the next stretcher. Monster Girl is wheeled in, unconscious and covered in blood. The medical team springs into action, intubating her and trying to stabilize her vitals.

DOCTOR: She's drowning in her own blood. We need to get her stabilized now.

Suddenly, Monster Girl begins to convulse, her body contorting and shifting into her monstrous form. The medical team scrambles to get out of the way as she thrashes about.

ROBOT: (urgently) I studied her physiology. If I leave this room, she'll die. We need to trigger her healing abilities.

Meanwhile, Black Samson lies motionless on a nearby gurney, his body fibrillating. The medical team tries to shock him back to a normal rhythm, but to no avail.

DOCTOR: We're losing him.

Suddenly, Black Samson's body begins to emit a soft glow, and energy surges through the room. The medical team watches in amazement as his heartbeat stabilizes.

ATOM EVE: (in disbelief) What just happened?

BLACK SAMSON: (weakly) I don't know. But it feels like...I'm recharging.

Y/N: (looking around at the chaos) We need to get everyone stabilized and figure out what the hell just happened.

The medical team nods in agreement, springing back into action as they work to save the lives of their injured teammates.


Mark groggily opens his eyes and sees his parents, Nolan and Debbie, standing by his bedside.

NOLAN: Hey there, kiddo. Welcome back.

MARK: How long was I out?

NOLAN: Six days. You had us worried there for a bit.

EVE: (smiling) But you're awake now, and that's all that matters.

MARK: What about the others? Monster Girl and Black Samson?

EVE: They're still unconscious, but the doctors are doing everything they can.

Y/N: (from the doorway) Mark! You're awake!

Y/N's parents enter the room behind him, looking relieved.

Y/N'S MOTHER: Oh, thank goodness. How are you feeling, Mark?

MARK: (weakly) I've been better.

NOLAN: (to Cecil) Has Darkblood cracked yet?

CECIL: No, he's stubborn. We don't even know if he's the one who murdered the Guardians.

OMNI-MAN: Darkblood is a demon.

CECIL: (surprised) And you let Mark go after Machine Head alone?

NOLAN: (defensive) He can handle himself.

CECIL: (chuckling) Ah, yes. The rebellious teenager phase. I suppose that's normal for Earthlings.

MARK: (frustrated) I'm right here, you know.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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