Night time cuddles (☁️)

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The ship in this is a cannon ship!

Civy x Sinus

TCM belongs to SnowyFox088 not me!!!


Sinus was tired but he had a couple more jobs to do before he can sleep.

Civy was done with his work due to him being the healer of the village. He was waiting for Sinus.

It's been two days since Sinus slept but he didn't care right now. All he wanted was to sleep but he had work to do. "Almost... done... then can sleep... " Sinus says in a sleepy tone. Civy walked over to Sinus. "Sinus come to bed." Civy says grabbing his arm. "cant... have finish... job..." Sinus says with a yawn. Civy let out a sigh and started to drag Sinus by the arm to their shared house. "nu..." Sinus says trying to get away. "Love your that tired to can't fight back its bedtime" Civy says in a calm tone looking at his sleepy lover. Sinus rested his head on Civy. "Leader... want worone... nwo..." His words started to make no sense. "Yeah your going to bed love." Civy says picking up Sinus. 

Civy walked into the house and helped Sinus get changed as he tried not to pass out. "Want cuddles love?" Civy asks looking at his lover as he nods. he got onto the bed and pulled Sinus down next to him and cuddles the tired indigo. Sinus fell asleep not long after Civy started to cuddle him. He let out a quiet chuckle then closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Hope you all liked the fluff! 

~🔥ᴋᴜᴍᴏʀɪ sᴏʟᴀᴄᴇ🔥

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