What if... (💙)

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What if... The Creators manipulated Balance?

The creators are evil in this AU but Balance doesn't know that. Why? Because they helped him get away from Sabre

They made Light think Sabre is terrible

They made him go on the missions because everywhere he went the people knew the creators  were evil and once Light was ready they sent him to where he is know!

Empty knew. He tried to warn Light but he never listened. Until... They became Balance.

Balane goes by They/Them! They used to go by He/Him until he merged with Unknown Alex!

That's All your getting for now! :]


They was reading a book outside their house enjoying the slight breeze. Their white faded to navy blue curly hair was gently moving thanks to the breeze. Balance closed their eyes and just listens to what's around them. It was quiet other then bird chirping. "Bal." someone's says poking them. Balance opens his eyes to see Unbalance. "Need something?" They asked their opposite. "I've been thinking about Sabre" Unbal says. "What about him. " Balance says in a harsh tone. "Well all he tried to do was help everyone. He didn't mean for you to get left behind." Unbal says looking at them. "He didn't?" Bal asked confused. "No? What makes you think he did mean to leave you?" Unbalance asks. They looked down. "The Creators.. they said that.. all he did.. was to leave me behind... because I wasn't important...." Bal says tearing up a bit. "Wasn't Sabre like a father to you?" "Yeah..? wait...." "They told you lies... Light..." Unbal says holding out a hand to Bal. They grabbed it and Unbalance pulled them close. "They.... lied.... to me.... he didn't... want to leave me...." They say as tears go down their face.

Unbal let Balance cry he knew this was hard for his leader. He asked Empty about the creators and Empty told him about how they were. He waited until they stopped crying. He waited for all the pain they felt to go away. He waited not speaking just listening. Listening to their cries of pain.

Balance fell asleep on Unbal face was slightly red from the crying they did. He sat down and let Bal rest on him. He knew they needed it. The others came by from time to time to ask Bal for something but he glared before they could ask. He cared for his leader. He saw them as a younger sibling. Nothing else.

Bal stayed with Unbalance for a couple of days not really wanted to do anything else and just try and wrap their mind around the truth it was hard to say the least but with help they were able to understand it. Bal went to speak with Empty about it and Empty told them how the creators were they were sad they manipulated them, but they tried to ignore it.

Balance was playing with Bally as Re came over. "Balance" Re says looking at the light user. "What do you need Re?" They say turning around to face the blue. "I'm just wondering why you were around Unbalance a lot a bit ago" He says. "Oh.. well its a private matter okay..?" Balance says with a smile. Re nodded then walked off.

Hope you guys enjoy this!

You guys can make art about this idea and write stuff if you want but tag me if you do! You can @ me or DM on discord if you have art!

My user name is kumori_solace !

Bye Crystalsssssss!

~🔥ᴋᴜᴍᴏʀɪ sᴏʟᴀᴄᴇ🔥

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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