The Day Ununit Blinded Her Sister

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"Appa, not again" Atar groaned.

He rolled over to face the wall and buried his head under his pillow.

The triplets shushed him loudly. All three wore very serious expressions on their faces as they did so.

The adventures of Shearashi were their favourite story, and they did not want to miss hearing even a single bit of it. Besides, Atar was never any fun.

With one hand on his swollen mid-section, Appa's body shook with the full force of his hearty laugh.

"Come now boy. You love this story too" Appa said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"That was before I heard it for the thousandth night in a row. You tell them the same story over and over again. I know it word for word now" Atar's muffled voice complained.

"Then, then go to the other room" Taten said. His mouth still sat in a pout, but he had folded his tiny arms in an awkward position on his chest.

"Yes. Go" His little sister chimed in.

Atar shifted enough so he could look down his body at them. He lifted the pillow over his head and made a face at his three younger siblings. They dignified it with their own creation.

The third one pushed off the ground with his hands and feet and walked to the bedroom door. He stood on tip toes and easily unlatched the safety mechanism on the door.

The one put in place to keep the three children in. The first time Atar had witnessed this left him speechless. He had come into the room when they were just toddlers to pick up supplies. Through wordless sounds, Taten encouraged Mahimmar and Bamuz to stand up.

It was the first time they walked, and it was for the sole purpose of unlatching the door that was designed to keep them in. It had not been easy to explain to Mama and Appa that he did not unlatch the door for them.

Now, combined with the serious expressions on their tiny faces and the opened door, Atar and Appa both burst out laughing. Atar scrunched into a ball as he clutched his midsection. Appa slapped a meaty thigh a few times.

"Igigigi, you were supposed to put the children to bed, not excite them" Mama's voice floated in through the open door.

"Yes, dear. You should have seen what Taten just did" Appa said between laughs.

He had cooled down his laughter at Mama's voice, but his spirits had lifted once more at the memory. Atar had quieted down, though his body still shook with the laughter he kept hidden. Taten still stood by the door expectantly but his face along with his siblings had softened at the exchange.

Mama clucked three times but said no more. With three boys and a whole settlement to mother, she had long learned to pick her battles wisely. Regardless of the time they slept, the triplets would be up with Imar's first rays. Atar had no choice in the matter, he would have to be up to join the hunters. It was up to them to decide their priorities.

In the room, Appa stretched out a long arm and gently pulled Taten into the hollow of his folded legs. Taten burrowed himself further into Appa's strong legs as he got more comfortable.

Around Appa's legs was where the triplets enjoyed spending their time with Appa. Laying on his rounded belly when he slept was a close second. Between their clamouring and squabbles, it wasn't Appa's favourite. They always woke him up from sleep, but he couldn't bring himself to scold them for it. Just like Atar, one day they too will feel too old to lay on his stomach. He learned to sleep through it. Eventually.

Appa waited for the other two to find a comfortable spot around him. Mahimmar sat close to his right thigh, placing both her arms and head on top of it. Bamuz scooted closer to Taten. The intention to squabble very clear on his face. Appa picked him up, wedging him in the crook of his arm closest to Mahimmar.

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