Chapter 5: Claire

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Ten minutes, even with such a snail-like pace, I finished putting on my uniform, and applying some lipstick on my lips. I can't help but think of what happened back there.

Like a light switch, he changes into something more primal, something scary but undeniably hot. another side of him that is unexpected.

I think of Xavier as something of the light, like his evol.

So, he--

My thoughts were interrupted by soft knocks on my door.

"Who is it?" I shouted.

"It's me. You ready, Claire?"


"Y-Yes. Come in. I'll be out in a minute!"

I quickly wore my hunter watch and put my gun in the holster. I saw him sitting on the couch again, but now, he looks like he's so deep in thought that he hasn't felt my presence. well, I guess, because it took a few seconds before he gave me a look.

"Come on." He stood up and offered his hand to me. Without thinking so much, I took his hand and we walked out of my unit. His warm hand relaxes me but flashes of the man earlier pulls me out of that giddiness and puts me in a different but pleasurable mood.

Pleasurable, Claire?

Sometimes, I just hate my mind. I wanna smack myself for just thinking lewd things about Xavier.

But did he just-- He just did something lewd to you earlier. Don't tell me, you don't think it was him?  What, another guy tried to act 'daddy' to you?!

"I told you to not think about it." He said as he walks beside me. his hand on the hilt of his sword. Now noticing his sword, I never saw it, like something like it on other hunters, we have that Claymore sword, I like that one by the way, but his sword is just shouting royalty to me.

"What is your sword's name?" I asked him. "And where did you buy that charm?" 

"The light blade, it's been made for me, I guess.. i can't remember, and this charm--" he grabbed the dangling star charm on his sword hilt. "Was gifted to me by someone special."

I felt a slight tug on my heart. "Someone special.."

"Yes.." we stopped in front of a cafe, where they serve pancakes and coffee, waffles too. "Let's eat here." He opened the door for me. I continued on keeping my mouth shut.

Someone special? Who could that be? His girlfriend? Then why did he--

"--Claire?" He called my name. We're already seated? 

"Huh? Yes Xavier?" I looked at him. "You were saying?"

"What do you wanna eat?" He asked me. I looked at the menu he's holding and took it.

"I'll have the coffee and pancakes, please." I smiled at the server and then gave the menu back. 

"You're spacing out."

"Yeah. I'm sorry." I just sat in front of him looking at the vase with a single lily on it. It's red. I've seen it on Kei's phone.

"Are you alright?" Xavier asked as he tilted his head trying to figure out what I am thinking.

"Why did you kissed me?" I looked at him, straight into his eyes. "And what happened to you?"

His eyebrows lifted. A ghost of a smile on his lips. "What happened to me?" He asked back.

"That wasn't you, earlier." I whispered.

"You invited another man when I left earlier?" He asked.

I frowned at him, then squinted my eyes. "You think I'm that kind of girl, Mr. Neighbor?"

He smiled. "No."

I wanna whack him with something.

"I told you, don't think too much.." his gentle voice reached my ears.

"My patience won't let me 'don't think too much', Neighbor." I wrote some air quotes.

"All in due time."

Our breakfast arrived and we ate in silence. He's eating in silence while i am looking at him while munching on my pancakes.

"You dont need to look at me that much, I wont disappear." He spoke after he swallowed his food.

"Just who are you?"

He stopped eating and looked at me. "What do you mean?" he gave me that innocent bunny-- no he's not a damn puppy-- look.

I quickly finished my pancakes. "Let's go--" I stood up and was surprised that he also stood up. i looked at his plate and its cleaned. he finished eating that quick?

I scrambled on pulling out my purse. I should pay for my food--

"What are you doing?" He asked me, eyeing my purse.

"I have to pay--"

"I will pay. Keep your money, Claire." He looked angry.


He gave the server a black card.

What was that?

"Thank you sir! Please come again!" The server ran to the register and swiped his card.

The cashier waved at us and bowed.

Is that normal?

"Let's go, Claire." He took my hand and gently pulled me out of the café.

"You're paying by card..?"

"Aren't you doing that too? That's normal, right?" He grumbled as he continued on pulling me. HQ is just up  ahead, I can already see the building.

"Well, yeah. But your card looked a bit different--"

With silver design..

"Its not different, it's the same as everybody has."


"Claire Mercurie!" I heard Kei call my name.

"What?!" I shouted at her.

"We need to talk, weird person." Then she looked at the man holding my hand.

"Holding hands early in the morning?" Her left eyebrow raised.

"Wha-- what?!"

"She's been slacking off earlier when you called."

Keisari eyed me. "You're with him?"

"Huh? No. He just checked in on--"

"Where?? Checked in where???" Kei asked. A hint of mischief in her eyes.

"He just came--"

"I just checked in on her because I havent seen her for weeks. I was worried." Xavier's soft voice tried to match Keisari's loud one.

"But she never skips work. How can you not see her?" She shows Xavier my records for the last few weeks. No absences. Of course.

Xavier looked at me, chiding.

"It's not my problem if you can't even track your 'stalkee',  you 'stalker'." I crossed my arms.

"Your humor has gone low, Claire." Keisari quipped. "You're a stalker now, Hunter?" She looked at Xavier and they exchanged glances like they knew something. That they only know.

"Stop, Keisari." Xavier went into the building leaving me and Kei at the entrance.

"What was that about?!" I approached Kei.

"Nothing." Keisari took a call and then walked inside the building. I was left outside without any clue to what just happened.

"What?! Are you his girlfriend?!" I shouted at Kei.

A boot went flying in my direction. I quickly dodged it.

"What the fuck was that about?!" I shouted again.

"I won't ever like that lamp." Keisari gave me a middle finger.

"Well.. what was that about?" I frowned.

"You will know. Soon."

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